So here we are! Just hours away from WrestleMania 30 and boy am I excited. The card looks superb, there isn't a bad match planned and it looks like being one of the best PPV's that the WWE have staged for a long, long time - and rightly so for the 30th Anniversary of WrestleMania. I just hope that it can be delivered and live up to it's potential.

Predictions for WM30 has not been easy, sure some matches are a given but others not so. But in any case here is my predictions for WrestleMania 30.

Daniel Bryan v Triple H

I'm guessing they will put this one up first, much like WM10. I really can't see anything other than a Daniel Bryan win. As much as the WWE love a shock and a swerve, even at the biggest stage, there's no way that Daniel Bryan won't be involved in the Main Event. Plus a Daniel Bryan win at the top of the show will just send the crowd ecstatic and make for a wonderful atmosphere for the rest of the show.

Prediction: Daniel Bryan to win

The Shield v Kane & The New Age Outlaws

This match is going to be a cracker, make no mistake about that and for those who are old enough to remember, this match will have a real feel of the attitude era about it. This match could steal the show slightly and I'm intrigued to see where they go with it. A Shield split was teased but I believe that has been shelved. The trio of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose have a whole lot more to offer together yet and I think this match could be the one to signify that. Whilst I've heard a lot of people suggest this will end in a no-contest, my opinion is that this match will be a classic "knock down drag out affair" - in the words of the late great Gorilla Monsoon, which will lead to the Shield & Roman Reigns in particular, gaining the pinfall.

Prediction: The Shield to win

Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Title Match

The Usos (c) v The Real Americans v Los Matadores v Rybaxel

I'm looking forward to this match. A few years back you would constantly hear me moaning about the lack of a tag team division, which is worse for someone of my age growing up with the likes of Demolition, Legion of Doom, Hart Foundation etc etc. The tag team division is growing and is looking healthy and I'm delighted it's taking centre stage at WrestleMania. There are some great tag teams within the WWE and it does make the division interesting. The defending champions The Usos haven't had a big build up going into this match but I fully expect them to retain their titles. It would be too soon & too silly to have them drop them and the Usos can more than carry the tag team division. I hope the Real Americans are still a team after this match. They've got plenty in the tank together and I worry that should Cesaro get a push now that in 12 months time he will end up like Damien Sandow. So I'd much prefer to see Cesaro & Swagger stick it out. Los Matadores are a very underrated team and I like them a lot and Rybaxel could really become a dominant team with the blend of the technical wrestler and powerhouse (much like the Hart Foundation), so I'd be quite happy seeing any team walk away with the belts but my personal opinion is that the Usos will retain.

Prediction: The Usos win and retain the tag team titles.

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

This for me is the hardest to predict of all the matches! Not least because of the number involved but also I'm slightly unsure which way they might go. I have two opinions on this, the first is that the winner will be someone who is going to have a major push over the next year and winning this will most certainly cement this, the other opinion is that it will be used as a last big send off for the Big Show. I don't mean in that he will retire, but his in-ring action has reduced lately and he is picking up more injuries more frequently now, so part of me thinks he will win this to cement his own legacy as a Giant, much like Andre and I have to be honest I have no problem with this at all. However my gut instinct leads me to think it will be someone who is in line for a push, so 50% of the field can be ruled out immediately. Dolph Ziggler has been built up to this well but I don't see him taking the win. Likewise Del Rio, Big E and a handful of others. My pick is someone who hasn't even been announced (there still are 3 spots vacant) and I genuinely believe Alexander Rusev will be one of those 3 and be the one to win. They have teased his move up onto the main roster for some time and there is no better way to gain some massive momentum and exposure than by winning this - just so long as they know what they are doing with him long term and he doesn't become another wasted potential in 12 months time!

Prediction: Alexander Rusev to win.

Vicki Guererro Invitational Divas Championship Match

I've been impressed by the Divas division lately and they have had some great matches lately and I really hope this match is given significant airtime and doesn't have a farcical finish within 3 minutes. The Divas involved have the ability to make this match last towards the 10 minute mark and produce some good spots so I hope and pray that they give this match the respect it deserves. As for the winner, I honestly think AJ will retain her title, the odds are stacked against her but I don't see her dropping the title in this kind of match, however if there was one to claim the title I can see it being Tamina, but my own opinion is that AJ will win and her finish will involve her double-crossing Tamina and retaining her title leading into a feud between the two in the months to come.

Prediction: AJ Lee to retain her title.

Bray Wyatt v John Cena

This match is going to be a good match and I'm looking forward to it, Bray Wyatt has been top notch building into this and it's for that reason that he HAS to win this match. The whole Bray Wyatt/Wyatt Family persona has been really fantastic lately and he and Rowan and Harper could go on to bigger and better things. Bray could easily dominate as WWE Champion and put a whole new complexion on the Main Event scene - the like of which we haven't seen for a long long time. He is different to everyone else and he makes his matches and feuds feel fresh and exciting, he has been built up well for this match and a loss tonight will only serve to show that the management don't have confidence in Bray to carry the company in the near future. John Cena isn't going to be harmed one bit by losing, he has his legacy and career, but we are entering a new era in the WWE and it's time that more and newer top level stars are established and Bray winning here will help that and will also prove that the WWE has faith in other people apart from John Cena. Here's hoping that common sense prevails - I will be very disappointed with anything but a Bray Wyatt win.

Prediction: Bray Wyatt to win.

The Undertaker v Brock Lesnar

This match is a given - no question. The Undertaker will win as he has done 21 previous times at WrestleMania and he will continue to do so until he retires. This streak is far to precious to have beaten. I think this match will be brutal, superb, awesome and one of the Taker's best WrestleMania matches in the last 5/6 years.

Prediction: The Undertaker to win.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Randy Orton (c) v Batista v Daniel Bryan

This is going to be a good main event, I'm 100% Daniel Bryan will be in it because his presence will make this match atmosphere electric. Of all the participants I'm sorry to say Randy Orton has little to no chance of retaining his title. The belt will change hands for certain. And I don't honestly see it being Batista purely for the Daniel Bryan element. This moment has been building since SummerSlam last year and anyone who believed the Daniel Bryan was being over-looked for the main event at WrestleMania is very naive. He was always going to be in this match. It's been built that way since last summer! And for that reason we will see a finish not too dissimilar to WrestleMania 10, where Bret Hart pulled double duty and closed the show as the new Champion. Daniel Bryan is ready for this moment and I'm am 99.9% certain he will be leaving as champion. Sure Triple H will have a role to play in this match, but the outcome will see Bryan leaving as champion and to my mind we could well see Bryan still as champion heading into WrestleMania 31 - that's how much I think he is ready to carry the WWE onto a new level.

Prediction: Daniel Bryan to become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

And so there you have it! I could of course be totally wrong and in some cases I hope I am! It's all about predictions and personal thoughts, I'm always happy when I've guessed wrong and the WWE throws a shock. I'd even have a wry smile should Triple H walk away as champion! There's also a small part inside of me that thinks CM Punk may return here tonight, it's gone very quiet on that front and I wouldn't rule him out of making an appearance tonight at some stage!

I'd love to hear your opinions! So please do comment and leave me your thought and/or predictions!! It's getting closer people - WrestleMania 30 is nearly here!!


Welcome to this weeks edition of Superstars. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

Kofi Kingston v Heath Slater (with Drew McIntyre & Jinder Mahal)

What an enjoyable match on Superstars! As often is the case, Slater began well but Kingston turned it around but the numbers game played a part allowing Slater to hit the DDT and get the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Heath Slater - 6/10

We then re-cap the Undertaker/Brock Lesnar segment from Raw

The Triole H/Daniel Bryan moment from Raw is then aired.

We then look back at the Wyatt Family/John Cena segment from Raw

The show then closes with the replay of Randy Orton/Batista match from Raw.

Only the one match this week which I half expected having seen Smackdown, however I hope that after WrestleMania we see a little shift and they try and get 3 matches on a edition of Superstars. There are plenty of other shows that replay Raw and let's face it most of us watch Raw anyway! Sometimes some of the best matches occur on Superstars (and Main Event) which is why I re-enforce my point of having the US title defended at this level, seeing how the mid-card wrestlers perform with a title. I'd rather see the US title around the waist and defended regularly by the likes of Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Kofi Kingston etc, than I would just being wasted around the waist of top level performers as it is now with Dean Ambrose.

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Ziggler ready for WrestleMania!

On Smackdown this week Dolph Ziggler was victorious over Titus O'Neil to continue the huge momentum towards WrestleMania! Hear what Dolph had to say to Renee Young on this weeks Smackdown Fallout!


Welcome to Smackdown! This weeks edition is from Washington DC.

Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

Dolph Ziggler v Titus O'Neil

A good opening bout between the two and Titus looked like he might snatch a win but out of nowhere Ziggler hit the Zig-Zag to steal the win.

Winner via pinfall: Dolph Ziggler - 6/10

A short video then airs to highlight just how dominant and how much of an impact Andre the Giant had in the WWE.

We then re-cap the Segment from Raw involving Triple H, Stephanie, Batista & Randy Orton and after a short break we then see the Batista/Orton match from Raw

The Real Americans (with Zeb Colter) v Los Matadores (with El Torito)

Los Matadores begin the match brightly & when Cesaro goes to Colter for inspiration, Colter proceeds to slap him. Which initially angers him but furthermore allows him to take control of the match & after a good exchange between both The Real Americans come out on top as Cesaro hits the neutralizer on Diego for the win.

Winners via pinfall: The Real Americans - 7/10

This was a really good tag match and I'm really looking forward to the Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Title match at WrestleMania. Los Matadores are really underrated and I read a lot of negative reports about them and their gimmick but I think it works well & they are a great edition to the WWE Tag Team Division.

When we return from the break we join Scott Stanford who takes a look at this years Hall of Fame Inductees as the promo video airs for the Ultimate Warrior.

A video then airs highlighting the impact Hulk Hogan made in the WWE and more notably WrestleMania.

A further video then airs to promote the Divas Championship match at WrestleMania, featuring the Champ AJ Lee.

We then see a video documenting the feud between the Wyatt Family & John Cena ahead of their impending match at WrestleMania, after which we see the Bray Wyatt/Kofi Kingston match from Raw.

After another break Scott Stanford looks at the recent events between Kane, The New Age Outlaws & the Shield as we then see the Kane/Roman Reigns match from Raw.

Another video promo airs to promote the WWE World Championship Match, this time featuring The Champ Randy Orton.

Another another break, Scott Stanford then looks at the Undertaker and his unbeaten streak at WrestleMania.

We then return to the show (eventually!) as the host of WrestleMania - Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring. The Hulksters recounts his WrestleMania moments and then puts over the importance of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal and how the winner can create their own moment of immortality, Hogan then posed to the crowd as the show goes off the air.

Overall comments: I knew tonight's Smackdown was going to be slightly Raw heavy, but I didn't really expect it to be that Raw heavy with only 2 matches and the Hulk Hogan promo. But nevertheless Smackdown did a good job building the excitement towards WrestleMania and we really are in for a great PPV!

Match of the Night: With only two to chose from I did wonder whether it was worth doing but they were two decent matches and the Real Americans/Los Matadores match just edged it for me.

Overall Show Rating: 5/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Welcome to this weeks edition of NXT. Remember to click on the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube Channel.

Emma v Sasha Banks (with Charlotte)

Despite the attempted interference of Charlotte, Emma managed to maintain the upper hand as she got Sasha in the EmmaLock and make her tap out.

Winner via submission: Emma - 6/10

NXT Tag Team Champions The Ascension v Jack Hurley & John Vandal

Another dominating display from the NXT Champions as they easily see off Hurley & Vandal, with Victor gaining the 3-count over Vandal.

Winners via pinfall: The Ascension - 4/10

Xavier Woods v Brodus Clay

The returning Brodus Clay makes sure his return is a victorious one as he gets the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Brodus Clay - 5/10

After the match Brodus grabs the mic and says that he has lost everything since he has been out injured, but now he's back, he will be the one doing the taking and then declares he will be the next NXT Champion.

Backstage Devin Taylor is joined by NXT Champion Adrian Neville. Devin congratulates Neville on his successful defence against Bo Dallas. Neville talks about Brodus Clay's claim to want a title shot and says that here at NXT it has to be earned and when he has earned it, he will be ready & waiting.

Yoshi Tatsu v Tyler Breeze

A fairly dominant performance by Tyler Breeze who shows a more vicious side in his match as he secured the pinfall over Tatsu.

Winner via pinfall: Tyler Breeze - 5/10

Backstage Devin Taylor is with Sami Zayn. Devin asks how Zayn is feeling about his match with Corey Graves, Zayn says he is fine and that the only one who has something to worry about is Corey Graves. We then see Graves in the corridor, he is asked about the match tonight as well, Graves claims that tonight's match isn't going to be pretty.

Corey Graves v Sami Zayn

Despite a cat & mouse start, the match soon comes to life as Zayn performs many high risk moves, which have a negative effect as Graves gains control over a groggy Sami Zayn. Zayn only gets worse and clearly doesn't know where he is and Graves hits his lucky 13 submission move but the referee stops the match as Zayn is barely moving.

Winner via referee stoppage: Corey Graves - 7/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Welcome to this weeks edition of Main Event. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

We open up this weeks episode with a singles match containing two of the participants of the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at WrestleMania

Sheamus v The Miz

A really good encounter between the two and the Miz has had a somewhat mini revival of late and a little push towards this battle royal, he gets a few close pinfalls but eventually Sheamus catches the Miz with the Brogue kick for the victory.

Winner via pinfall: Sheamus - 7/10

We then re-cap the ongoing storyline between John Cena and the Wyatt Family.

Backstage Renee Young is joined by the Bella Twins as they talk about the big Vicki Guerrero Invitational Divas title match this Sunday, Brie and Nikki tell Renee they are well prepared for Sunday and next Nikki will take on Tamina.

Nikki Bella (with Brie Bella) v Tamina Snuka (with Divas Champion AJ Lee)

The one thing I love about Main Event (and often Superstars) is that each week we get a really decent Divas contest and this week was no exception, great match put on by both Nikki & Tamina. Nikki had a few close falls but Tamina proved too dominant as she hit the Superfly splash from the top rope and claimed the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Tamina Snuka - 7/10

We then learn that the host of WrestleMania 30, Hulk Hogan will be on Smackdown this week!

We then re-cap the Undertaker/Brock Lesnar moment from Raw

We then re-cap the Batista/Randy Orton match from Raw as well as it's aftermath as the show comes to a close.

Sheamus build the last bit of momentum on this weeks Main Event with victory over The Miz.

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Kane & The New Age Outlaws react to The Shield

After Kane was attacked by The Shield on Raw, hear what he, along with the Outlaws had to say about their up-coming WrestleMania match!

Roddy Piper gives us his pick for Battle Royal!

After his Pipers Pit segment got hijacked by the Andre The Giant Battle Royal participants, hear who Roddy Piper thinks will be the man standing come WrestleMania!


Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Tonight we are live from Washington, DC. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

The kicks off with the dead man! As the Undertaker's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. The Undertaker starts by telling us that 21 people have stepped up and the same 21 men have been put down. The Undertaker questions what Brock Lesnar is going to be able to do at WrestleMania. He tells Brock that this Sunday Brock will Rest in Peace! At which point Brock's music hits and he and Paul Heyman makes his way to the entrance stage. Heyman begins by reminding us that this match isn't a match that Brock has to win, but simply a match that the Undertaker must not lose. Heyman promises that the streak will be beaten on Sunday, at which point both men look like leaving, before Brock turns around and heads down the isle, only to stop at ringside briefly, excellently building the tension further. Brock circles the ring before Heyman distracts the Undertaker, allowing Brock to get in the ring, attack the Undertaker and deliver the F5 to him.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E v Alberto Del Rio

Big E started the match very bright and look like making up for last weeks loss, but Del Rio turned it around and managed to get the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Alberto Del Rio - 7/10

Seriously what is it with the WWE & wanting to bury their champions? I love what the WWE are doing but the one bad point is that they clearly have no idea what to do with the Intercontinental (and US title). They have harmed any importance that title has by continually having the champions pinned clean in matches and more often than not the IC champion is just used to make other stars look better. There's 28 other opponents that they could have used to have Del Rio beat to build momentum into WM, why use the IC champion? A champion that should have his own match and feud going into WrestleMania and not just be part of the battle royal. It's got to the stage now that when anyone wins the IC title it is almost a signal that in 6 months time they will be going no where. The WWE really need to look at this and start to be able to book a proper storyline around the IC title instead of devaluing it like they currently are.

We return from the break to re-cap last week on Raw between John Cena & the Wyatt Family.

The Wyatt Family then appear on the screen and Bray delivers another of his awesome promos, reminding us that we will all see John Cena for what he really is.

We then see a clip from Total Divas as we see an altercation between Natalya & Summer Rae.

Summer Rae v Natalya

Smackdown GM Vicki Guerrero joins the commentary team for this match. A fairly decent divas match and it's Summer Rae that pulls off a shock victory by getting the 3-count over Natalya.

Winner via pinfall: Summer Rae - 6/10

Backstage we see Triple H & Stephanie walking through the corridor as tonight they have "an official goodbye" to the "Yes Movement!" as we head to the break.

When we return Triple H & Stephanie McMahon are making their way to the ring. Stephanie tells us that tonight they have a chance to say goodbye to the Yes Movement. Triple H then makes a very good & true point when he says that the crowd just wana be part of something - the latest craze & that 12 months ago they was going crazy for Fandango until they just dropped him and forget about him and moved on (you can't argue his point really). Triple H reminds us that he got to the top because of his talent by beating everyone put in his way. At which point an awesome video is shown putting over Triple H and the people he has seen off in the WWE. Triple H then proudly declare that come WrestleMania, he will walk out as the C.O.O. & WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Batista's music then hits as he makes his way to the ring. Batista reminds us that he wasn't in the video that just aired as Triple H has never beat him, he also states that Stephanie is the "brawn" of the authority. Randy Orton then interrupts and heads to ringside. Orton kindly asks Triple H to reconsider being in the triple threat match. Triple H then tells Orton that he has no chance of retaining his title, unless he finds "The Viper" again. He then declares that tonight's match between Orton & Batista is a no DQ match as Triple H & Stephanie then leave.

Michael Cole then reveals that tonight there will be a special edition of the Pipers Pit!

WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos & Los Matadores (with El Torito) v Rybaxel & The Real Americans (with Zeb Colter)

A classic 8 man tag match between all the participants in the Fatal 4-Way Tag Team title match at WrestleMania. A great match between the 8 men and it's the Usos & Los Matadores that gain the win advantage as Diego tricks Swagger and rolls him up for the win.

Winners via pinfall: Los Matadores & The Usos - 8/10

I cannot wait for this Fatal 4-Way Tag Team title match at WrestleMania - this is a great bit of booking by the WWE and they've built into this match well! See they can do it! Just a shame they can't do the same with the IC title!

Cesaro hits a perfectly executed drop kick during the 8-man tag team match on Raw.

Fandango (with Summer Rae) & Damien Sandow v The Rhodes Brothers

Goldust & Cody Rhodes emerge victorious as Goldust gets the pinfall over Sandow.

Winners via pinfall: The Rhodes Brothers - 7/10

We then re-cap the ongoing feud between the Shield & Kane. We then join the Shield backstage who talk about Kane disrespecting them and the New Age Outlaws getting involved and Reigns reminds us that they are not to be messed with. Tonight one of the Shield will face Kane, which one is being decided by vote on the WWE app (smart money on Reigns anyone?!)

Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper & Erick Rowan) v R Truth (with Xavier Woods)

Despite a brief effort from R Truth, it's Bray Wyatt that dominates the match as he gains the victory

Winner via pinfall: Bray Wyatt - 6/10

After the match the Wyatt Family celebrate and pose in the ring before another face appears wearing the Sheep Mask dressed in all black. As the lights come back on the man pulls back the mask to reveal it is John Cena who then attacks all 3 men as the Wyatt Family retreat.

Divas LumberJill match

WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee v Naomi

Naomi gets her rematch with AJ with the rest if the Divas as LumberJill's, it became clear that when AJ was knocked out if the ring she was immediately thrown back in, but when Naomi was knocked out of the ring, they let her be, clearly showing that all the Divas have one common target, AJ crawls out again but this time Tamina tries to protect her but the remaining Divas attack both, throw AJ back in the ring allowing Naomi to get the win.

Winner via pinfall: Naomi - 6/10

Renee Young is backstage and is joined by John Cena. Renee states that we really can expect anything on Sunday between him & Bray Wyatt. Cena states that desperate times call for desperate measures and come Sunday, Bray Wyatt will get just that, he will get a monster and that Cena's legacy & career won't be coming to and end Sunday.

We then join Jerry Lawler in the ring to find out who will face Kane and it's.... Roman Reigns (didn't see that coming!!)

Roman Reigns v Kane

Unusually Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose didn't accompany Reigns to ringside, however Reigns builds up to hit the Superman Punch, before the New Age Outlaws come down the isle, before Rollins & Ambrose rush down and attack them, all 3 members of the Shield then attack Kane, causing the DQ, before the Outlaws then save Kane from a further beating.

Winner via DQ: Kane - 6/10

Next we join Rowdy Roddy Piper for a special edition of Pipers Pit!

Piper speaks about the first WrestleMania and how big it was. He points out that he wasn't pinned in the main event! Piper then adds that Andre the Giant helped make WrestleMania too and that talks about the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Piper was just to explain who his favourite to win was, before the Miz walks out and interupts, Miz states how he has won the main event at WrestleMania before. Sheamus then interupts & declares he will win. Titus O'Neil then makes his way to the ring, he tells us how he deserves to win. Dolph Ziggler then makes his way to the ring and declares his chances of winning. Piper then gets the 4 men to fight as the rest if the battle royal participants rush to the ring to join in, as the Big Show comes down last, the Big Show then cleans house to confirm his status as favourite for the battle royal on Sunday.

No Disqualification Match

Batista v WWE World Champion Randy Orton

Before the match begins, Triple H & Stephanie make their way to ringside and join the commentary team. A very good match follows with the balance shifting between both when out of nowhere Daniel Bryan appears through the crowd and attacks Triple H. Orton then saves Triple H, before throwing Bryan into the steel steps and then rolls Bryan in the ring. Orton then gets a spear from Batista, Bryan then takes out Batista before turning his attention to Triple H once more, attacking him at ringside with the Kendo Stick, before Triple H retreats as Daniel Bryan stands tall in the ring, celebrating with the WWE Universe as the show comes to a close.

No Contest - 7/10

The returning Daniel Bryan flies through the air to attack Triple H to show the Yes Movement is well and truly alive!

Overall comments: Another great edition of Raw! But you'd expect that with it being the last one before WrestleMania, some great build up towards WrestleMania, including the Undertaker/Brock Lesnar. It was also good seeing Daniel Bryan appear, I genuinely wasn't sure he would or how he would. The WWE tag team title scene is working perfectly and they've built well to this match, the battle royal has been built perfectly and it was good to see Roddy Piper on hand to promote this. There were no bad matches tonight on Raw, all were very good and well worked.

Match of the Night: Tough one tonight! But I'm going to give it to the 8 Man Tag Team match between the Usos & Los Matadores v Rybaxel & The Real Americans.

Overall Show Rating: 9/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Welcome to this weeks edition of Superstars. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

We open up this weeks edition of Superstars with a Divas Match!

Summer Rae (with Fandango) v Emma

A good opening bout to the show, between two very good in-ring Divas. It's Emma who gets the victory when she applies the EmmaLock to gain the submission.

Winner via submission: Emma - 6/10

We then re-cap the Triple H/Michael Cole interview on Raw

We then see the John Cena/Luke Harper match from Raw

R Truth & Xavier Woods v Drew McIntyre & Jinder Mahal of 3MB (with Heath Slater)

Another good tag team match on Superstars and the team of R Truth & Xavier Woods gain another impressive victory over a equally good looking 3MB as Woods gained the pinfall victory over Mahal.

Winners via pinfall: Xavier Woods & R Truth - 7/10

They then re-cap the moment Stephanie slapped Batista on Raw.

The show then ends with a re-cap of The Undertaker/Brock Lesnar segment from Raw.

R Truth & Xavier Woods victorious again on this weeks edition of Superstars.

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Sin Cara looks forward to WrestleMania!

After 2 straight victories over Damien Sandow this week, on both Raw & Smackdown, Sin Cara feels that's given him the perfect platform for WrestleMania - See what Sin Cara has to say (speaking Spanish however maybe a huge help!)