Kick Off Show

WeeLC Match

Hornswoggle (with 3MB) vs El Torito (with Los Matadores)

An enjoyable match to be fair between the two which is quite suitable for the pre-show to get the crowd going! El Torito got the win having put Hornswoggle through a table.

Winner via pinfall: El Torito - 6/10

Main Show

Triple Threat Elimination Match

Rob Van Dam vs Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) vs Cesaro (with Paul Heyman)

A good opening bout to the show, Swagger was the first eliminated as Cesaro super-plexed Swagger into the ring, after which RVD hit the 5-star frog splash to get the 3-count - Swagger eliminated. RVD enjoys momentum after this and gets a few close falls, a trash can then gets involved but an attempted frog splash is countered as Cesaro delivers the neutraliser to RVD into the trash can and gets the 3-count.

Winner via pinfall: Cesaro - 7/10

Backstage Daniel Bryan is getting checked over by the physio before Stephanie appears and tells Bryan she is concerned for his safety for him and his family. Stephanie then suggests that to save him from punishment he could surrender the title and not compete. Bryan tells her to get lost and he promises to leave tonight with the title.

Lana is then introduced as she informs us that tonight's match is dedicated to her idol, Russian president Vladimir Putin and then in turn introduces Alexander Rusev.

2 on 1 Handicap Match

Alexander Rusev vs R Truth & Xavier Woods

Woods is taken out outside before the match officially begins, Rusev then begins to work on R Truth in the ring. Truth turns it around though using his experience as Woods is still out on the ringside floor. Rusev proves to much of a match though as Rusev makes Truth tap out to the Accolade.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 6/10

Lillian Garcia then speaks to the crowd about the USA Special Olympics held in New Jersey next month and introduces some of the New Jersey team.

Renee Young is then backstage with Evolution. Triple H reminds us that between them they have 31 world titles between them. Orton then promises that the Shield will perish tonight.

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

Bad News Barrett vs Big E (c)

The match gets underway and it's clear the crowd are very pro Barrett as they cheer almost his every move. Big E gets close to victory but Barrett counters and hits the bull-hammer and gets the 3-count and we have a new champion!!

Winner via pinfall and NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION: Bad News Barrett - 7/10

Evolution vs The Shield

After a fight breaks out from the off, Rollins & Triple H officially start the match off. The match is really well worked a full of excitement, momentum swinging both ways, the Shield hit the triple powerbomb on Batista but that's intercepted, Evolution look to gain control but Rollins saves his team from defeat. At this point Triple H/Orton/Rollins/Ambrose are fighting their way through the crowd as Reigns & Batista are the legal men. Back out in the crowd the Triple H & Orton are beating on Ambrose when out of nowhere Rollins comes flying through the air from the crowd above! Back in the ring Reigns & Batista resume the action and whilst Batista almost gets the fall, Reigns hits the spear and gets the win.

Winners via pinfall: The Shield - 9/10

Steel Cage Match

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper & Erick Rowan)

The crowd make their feelings known from the off as they are very pro-Wyatt. The match gets underway with Bray enjoying the early exchange. As the match goes on Cena tries a few escape attempts but Harper & Rowan help see that he doesn't, including forcing the door shut as well as making sure Cena can't escape over the top, another Cena escape attempt is foiled and Harper is dragged into the cage by Cena when attempting to interfere. All men become involved and are laid out as Cena goes to exit via door before the lights dim and when they return we see a small boy singing to Cena in a distorted voice, this distracts Cena and allow Wyatt to hit the Sister Abigail and escape the ring to get the win.

Winner via escaping the cage: Bray Wyatt - 8/10

We then head to join Josh Matthews on the WWE Network expert panel and the panel tonight is Booker T, Sheamus & Alex Riley. All 3 have been stunned by what's just happened and then highlight The Shield/Evolution match.

WWE Divas Championship Match

Tamina vs Paige (c)

Gotta feel sorry for Paige & Tamina, placed in an awkward position on the card again, but after a shaky start they have a good effort, Paige eventually turning things around and getting Tamina to tap out for the win.

Winner via Submission and STILL DIVAS CHAMPION: Paige - 6/10

Backstage the Wyatt Family is with little "Johnny" who helped Bray gain victory, who seemingly is hooked by the Wyatt Family as he declares that everyone will follow the buzzards.

Extreme Rules match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Daniel Bryan (c) vs Kane

The match starts off on the entrance as a physical battles follows both in and out of the ring, the fight eventually makes it's way backstage, where Bryan knocks Kane out with a steel bar, but he needs to get Kane back in the ring to get the pinfall, so uses a near-by forklift to do so! Eventually the action returns to the ring & Bryan gets a very close 2.5 count. The match continues to swing back & forth, Bryan attempts a flying attack to outside the ring but he got caught and Kane then proceeds to chokeslam Bryan through the announcers table. Kane then finds a table from under the ring and proceeds to set fire to it, he then attempts to put Bryan through it but Bryan counters and he then puts Kane through the table, Kane is then sprayed with a fire extinguisher by a ringside attendant, as he climbs into the ring and then gets hit by the running knee from Bryan who then covers him for the win.

Winner via pinfall and STILL WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: Daniel Bryan - 8/10

Overall comments: This was a very solid PPV with some great matches. It was a no fuss, no nonsense PPV that let the matches do the talking and it worked so well. I wasn't surprised to see Barrett win the IC title and I just hope and prey that they use him and the title properly and book feuds around the belt and not the usual thing they do of making top level stars look good by beating the IC champion etc. As predicted the Shield/Evolution match was superb and there's plenty of mileage in this feud. A better match than I expected I must say and I was expecting a great one. So pleased Bray got the win, I honestly thought at some point that Cena was going to win but the ending was superb and in fitting with recent events. The main event was a well worked match but you sensed the crowd wasn't so excited about it, however the ending brought life back to the match and predictably Bryan left as Champion, however surprisingly for me there was no interference. A good PPV nonetheless and some brilliant matches on offer.

Match of the Night: Easy one for this PPV as genuinely the Shield vs Evolution stole the show.

Overall Show Rating: 8/10

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