Welcome to this weeks edition of Main Event. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

Goldust (with Cody Rhodes) vs Alberto Del Rio

After Cody tried unsuccessfully to beat Del Rio on Raw this week, tonight was the turn of Goldust. A decent match followed and to further add salt in the wounds of Cody, Goldust got the pinfall to take the win.

Winner via pinfall: Goldust - 6/10

  • After the match Renee Young joined both Cody & Goldust in the ring and asked if Cody was proud of Goldusts victory, at first Cody took it as a dig but then apologised and said he hadn't been himself and then him and Goldust seemingly patched things up.

WWE Divas Champion Paige vs Alicia Fox

An edition of Main Event wouldn't be the same without a decent Divas match and this week was no exception! Alicia Fox again gave a good account against the champ but Paige hit an awesome modified DDT to secure the win.

Winner via pinfall: Paige - 6/10

  • After the match Tamina Snuka appeared on the stage and she and Paige had a brief state down, before Tamina just smiled and laughed to herself.

Kofi Kingston vs Bad News Barrett

The new #1 contender for the Intercontinental title was in action against Kofi, the match itself short lived, as Barrett hit the BullHammer for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 5/10

Sheamus vs Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper & Erick Rowan)

What an awesome match! When it was announced on Raw that this was taking place I knew it would be awesome, Sheamus never fails to have a bad match lately, he deserves huge credit and is very underrated in my book. Momentum swung both ways but eventually the numbers game played a part as Sheamus got distracted allowing Bray to hit the Sister Abigail for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Bray Wyatt - 8/10

  • After the match the Wyatt Family began to beat on Sheamus until the Usos come down and made the save.

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