Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Live from St Louis, Missouri.

Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

Raw begins with a re-cap of last weeks events between John Cena & the Wyatt Family.

We go to the show live as we see the steel cage surrounding the ring, John Cena's music hits as he slowly makes his way to the ring and enter the cage. At this happens Michael Cole reminds us that Rybaxel will challenge the Usos for the tag team titles whilst Stephanie McMahon will apologise to Daniel Bryan whilst Roman Reigns will face Randy Orton. By now Cena is in the ring and grabs the mic and is loudly booed and jeered by the crowd. Cena questions the WWE universe for choosing to put him in a handicap last week, drawing some serious heat from the crowd whilst doing so. Cena talks about when eventually time comes for him to step aside and let the new generation dominate and lists a number of potential superstars and adds they all have the same passion as he did and does, he adds that Bray Wyatt's priority is Bray Wyatt. Cena then gets interupted by the Wyatt Family, with a choir of youngsters singing a rendition of the whole world in his hands. (Very creepy but superbly done) we then go to a break.

When we return from the break, The Wyatt Family are sat at ringside with the entire choir in Erick Rowan sheep masks circling the ring. Bray just sits there and laughs at Cena before we head to another break.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match

The Usos (c) vs Rybaxel

Jimmy & Curtis Axel start things off in this championship match. The Usos perform a flying attack out of the ring but Jey injures himself and temporarily Jimmy has to go it alone whilst Jey is being attended to at ringside. Jey eventually makes it back to the ring apron. Rybaxel get a few close falls but the Usos make a sneaky tag and whilst Axel goes for the perfect-plex, but Jimmy hits a big splash from the top on Axel as he gets the 3 count

Winners via pinfall and still Tag Team Champions: The Usos - 7/10

We join Paul Heyman & Cesaro backstage in the locker room. Heyman tells Cesaro is disappointed in Rob Van Dam in what he said but Heyman states whilst he is a liar and a cheat, he always takes his clients to the top, Cesaro responds by saying that is all he wants to hear.

Sheamus vs Titus O'Neil

Before Sheamus has even made his way to the ring he is attacked by Titus and he continues to beat on Sheamus, as it eventually makes it's way into the ring and the match officially starts. Titus beats on Sheamus more but then gets caught by a perfectly executed brogue kick as Sheamus gets the win.

Winner via pinfall: Sheamus - 5/10

  • I'm loving the new aggressive side of Titus O'Neil, we saw it on Superstars and much more of it tonight, a program with Sheamus is mouth-watering & could be perfect for both!

Dolph Ziggler is in the ring and states how he loves summer, especially as the Superheros return to the big screen and plugs the new X-Men movie - a trailer for the movie then airs. Dolph then introduces Hugh Jackman back to Raw. Jackman says how he loves being on Raw, Ziggler then reminds us what happened in 2011 when Jackman was last on Raw. They agree to put it behind them, just as Damien Sandow enters - dressed as Magneto! Sandow informs both Jackman & Ziggler will both receive the same fate. Sandow then informs both that he will display his magnetic powers... Which Jackman jokingly goes along with before hip tossing Sandow before Ziggler hits the Zig-Zag as Jackman & Ziggler celebrate.

  • My word what a fall from grace Damien Sandow has had, the segment was kinda funny in it's own way but so sad to think Damien Sandow was the butt of the jokes.

A short video airs to show the on-going feud between the Shield & Evolution!

Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) vs Cesaro (with Paul Heyman)

The feud continues between the two former partners. Colter attempts to distract Cesaro but Heyman grabs hold of Colter, Swagger gets distracted by that and Cesaro hits him with a belly to back suplex for the pin.

Winner via pinfall: Cesaro - 6/10

Backstage Renee Young catches up with John Cena and asks him for his reaction about what happened tonight, Cena says nothing then walks off.

Alberto Del Rio vs Cody Rhodes (with Goldust)

Cody looks to put his recent bad patch behind him, but it's all to no avail as Cody ends up tapping out to give Del Rio the victory and after the match again blames & shoves his brother Goldust

Winner via submission: Alberto Del Rio - 6/10

Backstage Paul Heyman is seen talking to Cesaro but we are unable to hear what's being said

Lana is then introduced in preparation for the next match involving Alexander Rusev

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) vs Xavier Woods (with R Truth)

Woods attempts to make amends for a few weeks back but to no avail, Rusev is about to put Woods in the accolade but R Truth intercepts and attacks Rusev and they dispose of him from the ring.

Winner via DQ: Alexander Rusev - 3/10

We now join Renee Young backstage who is with Rob Van Dam. Renee asks RVD about his match with Bad News Barrett tonight in the IC title #1 tournament finals. RVD says he is a former 6 time champion and 7 is his lucky number, Zeb Colter then appears and tells RVD that as they have a common enemy in Paul Heyman, that they should join forces, however RVD politely refuses.

Zeb Colter & Jack Swagger are seen backstage talking/arguing.

Los Matadores (with El Torito) vs Drew McIntyre & Heath Slater of 3MB (with Jinder Mahal & Hornswoggle)

After a few minutes into the match Hornswoggle & El Torito become involved at ringside, which distracts Diego, allowing Heath Slater to get the pinfall and win for 3MB!

Winners via pinfall: Heath Slater & Drew McIntyre - 5/10

Stephanie McMahon makes her way to ring as she apparently is there to apologise to Daniel Bryan for what happened last week. Stephanie begins by say how upset she was with what happened last week and invites Daniel Bryan out, which he duly does, sporting a neckbrace, alongside his wife, Brie Bella. They remain on the stage however & Bryan tells Stephanie that he almost believed her last week when she apparently wanted Kane to stop. Stephanie says that she admits she didn't want him to be the champion and that her emotions run a little too high. Stephanie then sympathises with Brie and says she knows first hand how horrible it is to go with your husband in an ambulance and spend the night with them in hospital. Stephanie reiterates how sorry she is but Bryan isn't buying it. Daniel Bryan promises to never give up and promises to beat Kane Sunday, or bring down Kane with him. Stephanie suggests to make amends, she is giving Brie a chance to fight Paige for the Divas Championship tonight.

WWE Divas Championship Match

Brie Bella vs Paige (c)

Both Divas give a good account, but the match is suddenly interupted as Kane's music hits, Bryan waits for him to appear but he appears through the ring mat and attempts to grab Brie, Bryan makes the save but gets a choke slam for his troubles, Kane attempts to grab her again but she fights her way off and helps escort Bryan to the back as Kane stands in the ring laughing as he watches on.

Winner via DQ: Brie Bella - 5/10

After the break we see Daniel Bryan with Brie in the trainers room with the doctor, Stephanie appears, appearing all concerned and is apologetic. Brie tells Stephanie under no uncertain terms to get out.

Renee Young again catches up with John Cena, she again asks him for his thoughts. Cena apologises for earlier and adds that he got caught up in Bray's mind games and earlier felt the WWE Universe had turned their back on him, but he now believes they haven't. Cena then promises to finish Bray Wyatt on Sunday at Extreme Rules.

Bad News Barrett then appears ahead of his match with Rob Van Dam, but first he has some bad news for RVD, as he promises to beat RVD tonight.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Final

Bad News Barrett vs Rob Van Dam

A good match between the two, Barrett gets a couple of near falls, but as RVD was gaining the advantage, Cesaro came to ringside and distracted RVD, Swagger made the save, but RVD got the upper hand again and went for the 5 star frog splash, but Cesaro distracted RVD again, Barrett countered it, hit RVD with the bull hammer for the win to win the tournament and go on to face Big E for the IC title on Sunday at Extreme Rules.

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 7/10

  • After the match Cesaro attacked RVD, before Swagger got involved attacking both men, but it was RVD who came out on top of their little battle.

Randy Orton (with Batista & Triple H) vs Roman Reigns (with Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose

Before the match starts, Former Evolution member Ric Flair makes his way to ringside. Flair hugs all of Evolution then grabs the mic and says it's great to be in the ring with greatness, he adds he is among superstars that personify power & greatness but eludes to the Shield rather than Evolution and shakes the hands of Evolution before leaving. The match then begins. Before long a fight breaks out between Evolution & Shield members outside the ring, at which point Roman Reigns gets involved and the match ends. Evolution then begin to beat on the Shield at ringside. The fight escalates into the ring and the Shield turn it around as they clean house with Evolution, celebrating in the ring as the show comes to a close.

No Contest - 6/10

Overall comments: A decent edition of Raw as we head into Extreme Rules. The opening promo of the Wyatt Family was awesome, it was very creepy and eerie and defiantly gives Bray even more momentum heading into this match. I am loving Rybaxel as a tag team and think they have a massive future and am glad they got a title shot but also glad the Usos retained - I hope they build a long feud between these 4 men for the tag belts. Whilst it was slightly funny, it was a shame to see Ziggler & Sandow involved in a promo like that. They really need to find something for these guys (I'm looking at you Zeb Colter!) I think the potential feud between Sheamus & Titus O'Neil could be a good one, they built a good match on Main Event recently and Sheamus almost always carries a good match & I've been impressed with Titus lately. Delighted Barrett won the tournament, I'm certain he will defeat Big E, Barrett really is a top star and has potential to be a massive heel if booked correctly. Liked the ending with the Shield/Evolution and they built that well into Sunday. All in all a good show that didn't disappoint much at all.

Overall Show Rating: 7/10

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