Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Live from Albany, New York!

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20 Man Battle Royal for the United States Championship

Dean Ambrose defends his title against 19 other men who all descend to the ring. Xavier Woods is the first eliminated, subsequent eliminations include Zack Ryder, R Truth, Titus O'Neil & Sin Cara. We get down to a final 5 of Ryback, Curtis Axel, Dean Ambrose, Sheamus & Jack Swagger. Axel is the next to go as he is eliminated by Ambrose, & Ambrose then eliminates Ryback, Ambrose then gets another as Swagger is gone, leaving Ambrose & Sheamus left. But it's not to be a winning effort for the Shield as Sheamus eliminates Ambrose and we have a new champion!!!

Winner and NEW UNITED STATES CHAMPION: Sheamus - 8/10

  • I've got to say that I'm pleased by this title change. Sheamus has been awesome in recent months in whoever he has faced and I just hope and pray that he is booked correctly and they book feuds around the title and make it significant again. Because it's a title with a lot of prestige that's been lost lately. There are plenty of feuds out there for Sheamus with this title, they just need to book them and let Sheamus & his opponents do the rest!

After the match Reigns & Rollins try to console Ambrose, before Triple H makes his way to the stage. Triple H recounts last nights match and says the Shield were lucky, but states their luck is changing and adds that later tonight they will be facing the Wyatt Family in the Main Event.

Before we go to the break we also learn there will be a rematch for the Intercontinental Title between the new champion, Bad News Barrett and the former champ, Big E

We return to see a promo of the debuting Adam Rose before Renee Young is joined by Sheamus backstage who congratulates him on winning the US title. Sheamus says that since injury he has waited patiently and winning the title has been worth the wait.

We then have a quick look back at last nights match between Daniel Bryan & Kane, as we then go backstage and join Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella, they are soon interrupted by Stephanie, who congratulates him but adds all he has done has further anger Kane and advises him to stay in his locker room until his match tonight.

Rob Van Dam vs Cesaro (with Paul Heyman)

Cesaro & RVD enjoy a good match, RVD gets hooked in the corner buckle with his leg, Cesaro continues to beat on him from outside the ring and doesn't break after the 5 count leading to his DQ

Winner via Disqualification: Rob Van Dam - 6/10

Next we are joined by the Wyatt Family in the ring. Bray begins by saying how he was born to lead & that he will change the world. He claims he was always looked upon as a nobody but last night he became a somebody as we then look back at last night's match ending. Bray then speaks about how Cena tries to portray him as a monster and a liar, but adds that all that he does, he does for the children of today & that he will be remembered for what he truly is - a god.

Ryback (with Curtis Axel) vs Cody Rhodes (with Goldust)

Cody looks to get back on the winning streak whilst Ryback looks to continue his momentum, however again Goldust inadvertently costs Cody the match, but Cody doesn't react angrily this time

Winner via pinfall: Ryback - 6/10

Backstage Daniel Bryan is with Brie in the locker room when suddenly the lights go out and both make their way into the corridor where they bump into Stephanie who promises to ease Brie's fears.

We return from the break to join Los Matadores & El Torito in the ring for a Cinco De Mayo celebration. Before long however 3MB interrupt and make their way to the ring. Slater says they have come to call a truce. El Torito offers to call a truce but Hornswoggle isn't having it and attacks him. Clearly this feud isn't over despite what we may wish. Torito & Los Matadores clear the ring and then celebrate.

  • Seriously, I have kinda enjoyed the fun between Hornswoggle & El Torito but that should be put to bed now, by all mean focus the feud on 3MB & Los Matadores but not the comic side of Hornswoggle/El Torito, both teams are better than that.

Kofi Kingston vs Alexander Rusev (with Lana)

Kofi's attempt as using his speed works albeit temporarily but Rusev again proves too strong as he makes Kofi tap out to the Accolade.

Winner via Submission: Alexander Rusev - 5/10

A quick plug for the WWE Network before we head backstage to see Daniel Bryan escort Brie to the car and prepare to leave but as they are about to Stephanie tells them they can't leave until after his match which is next.

Alberto Del Rio vs WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan (with Brie Bella)

A gruelling match between Del Rio and a very tired looking champ as momentum swings both ways, Del Rio however gets a few close calls. Del Rio looks to finish it but Bryan counters and hooks him in the yes lock, leading to Del Rio tapping out

Winner via submission: Daniel Bryan - 7/10

WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Big E vs Bad News Barrett (c)

Big E attempts to win back the title less than 24 hours after losing it and he leaves nothing out there, however equally Barrett is not keen to relinquish it so easy & it's Barrett who gets the win and retains the title after he hit the BullHammer.

Winner via pinfall and STILL INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION: Bad News Barrett - 7/10

After a slightly odd video of Mr. T and his mother day message, we head back to the show as Jack Swagger & Zeb Colter making his way to the ring. Colter announces he has a list of people he wants deporting, a list including Sheamus, Cesaro, Santino, Paige Paul Heyman & Emma. At this point Adam Rose's music hits and he and his party people make their way to the ring. Rose enters the ring and tells Colter to not be a lemon but be a Rose bud! Colter instructs Swagger to take him out, which he fails, Rose then celebrates with his party people in the ring.

  • This is just a personal thing, but I'm not the tiniest bit excited about Adam Rose. I wasn't on NXT. His character is much like Brodus Clay - it'll get boring very soon. I'm already bored of it and I really don't want to be negative about it and his in-ring ability is good but I just cannot feel excited by his arrival. I hope I'm wrong! But hey!

The Wyatt Family vs The Shield

The match begins with an all out brawl, until Ambrose & Rowan officially start the match. All 6 men give a good account during the match as each member has their moment of dominating. Towards the latter part of the match Reigns is tagged in and he dominates all 3 members of the Wyatt Family, all 6 men then go at it, Rollins & Ambrose take out Rowan & Harper and all 3 Shield members look to hit Wyatt with a triple-powerbomb, at which point Evolution enter but they get taken out by Rollins & Ambrose, back in the ring Wyatt catches a distracted Reigns with the Sister Abigail to get the win.

Winners via pinfall: The Wyatt Family - 7/10

  • After the match Evolution begin to attack the Shield in revenge of last nights loss. Evolution then celebrate as the show goes off air.

Overall comments: A worthy edition of Raw off the back of Extreme Rules. I was delighted that the US title changed hands & as stated, happy for Sheamus as he deserves it. The Daniel Bryan/Kane saga was ok, predictable but ok, although I don't see much mileage in this feud past Payback. Bray Wyatt's promo was awesome and genuinely there is no one better on the mic right now. Nice to see the IC title take importance with a rematch - Barrett is a great champion. Let's hope & pray he stays injury free for a very long time. The main event was ok, not their best of matches but still good and I'm glad to see the feud between the Shield and Evolution is continuing. Thought Adam Rose's debut wasn't exactly well managed and they could have done better. The one major downside for me was the lack of the tag team champions AGAIN and a lack of a tag team division that quite honestly was thriving just 2 months ago! Come on people sort it out! So much work went into building up that division, don't just check it away! Other than that it was a good show!

Overall Show Rating: 7/10

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