Welcome to Smackdown! This week from Kansas City, Missouri.

Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

The show begins with a video clip of the recent events between The Shield & Evolution.

We go to the show live and we kick off the show tonight with a 6 man tag match!

The Wyatt Family vs The WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos & Sheamus

A very good opening bout to this weeks Smackdown, after the match came about from events on this weeks edition of Main Event, Bray got the victory for his team however as he hit the Sister Abigail on Jimmy for the 3-count

Winners via pinfall: The Wyatt Family - 7/10

Up next we join Vicki Guerrero in the ring along with Los Matadaores, El Torito & 3MB & Hornswoggle for the contract signing for the "WeeLC" match at Extreme Rules which will appear on the pre-show. The contract is eventually signed before a fight breaks out!

Rob Van Dam vs Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

Before the match starts Cesaro & Paul Heyman make their way to ringside as Heyman joins the commentary team. The match is fairly short lived, after a brief altercation outside, RVD hits the 5-star frogsplash on Swagger for the win, afterwards Cesaro attacks RVD from behind & delivers the neutraliser.

Winner via pinfall: Rob Van Dam - 5/10

R Truth (with Xavier Woods) vs Alexander Rusev (with Lana)

R Truth again tackles Rusev ahead of the Hanidcap match on Sunday, however Rusev wins by DQ when Woods comes in and attacks Rusev, however Woods & R Truth dispose of Rusev to the outside of the ring.

Winner via Disqualification: Alexander Rusev - 5/10

We return from the break as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring. Bryan begins by stating that people are the same, in which they stand up for what they believe in & take care of their families & loved ones. Bryan promises to leave Extreme Rules as the champ & declares that Sunday is more than a match & promises to send Kane straight to hell. Kane then appears on the big screen & says that it is no bad thing and a video then airs to highlight the recent events between the two. Kane then informs Bryan that what happened Monday was just a start of what's to come.

Dolph Ziggler vs Damien Sandow

Sandow appears dressed as Magneto once again, however a change of costume makes no difference as Ziggler hits the Zig-Zag for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Dolph Ziggler - 5/10

  • What a sad state of affairs that two great superstars are reduced to this. I really worry where things are going to go for both Sandow & Ziggler. They have the in-ring ability but need an angle or something.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E vs Titus O'Neil

Titus again shows his new aggressive streak as he dominates Big E for a good part of the match, before he then gets disqualified for not releasing an attack on the ring apron, after the match Big E then attacks Titus as the fight breaks outside the ring and then back in as Big E stands tall over a beaten Titus O'Neil

Winner via Disqualification: Big E - 5/10

We then see the Wyatt Family backstage as Bray talks about his match with John Cena at Extreme Rules

Fatal 4-Way match for the United States Championship Match

Dean Ambrose (c) vs Alberto Del Rio vs Ryback vs Curtis Axel

A good main event match in which Del Rio, Axel & Ryback all had close falls but Ambrose rolled Axel up for the win to retain his Us title.

Winner via pinfall & still US Champion: Dean Ambrose - 7/10

Overall comments: A much better edition of Smackdown this week, seemed a lot more planned rather than the thrown together feel in recent weeks. Some good matches on the show as well and it built well to Extreme Rules. I genuinely felt at one stage we would see a new US Champion but alas it was not to be. After their match tonight, I wouldn't be surprised to see Titus have some sort of involvement in the Intercontinental title match on Sunday, maybe costing Big E the title? As already mentioned, it's sad to see the situation with Sandow & Ziggler. There can be so much more use for people, especially if they use them as tag teams, as the tag division depth is getting a bit weaker. As shown in the past, Tag Team feuds can be built without it having to involve the tag champions. Would make the competition for the tag titles much more interesting. Anyway a good show that did it's job well in building into Extreme Rules.

Overall Show Rating: 7/10

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