Los Matadores (with El Torito) vs Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre of 3MB (with Hornswoggle)

Before the match began, Mahal introduced Hornswoggle as their mascot for the match, as the match kicked off their was clearly a bit of tension between Hornswoggle & El Torito, eventually El Toritio went for Hornswoggle and failed, as a fight between the two broke out in the ring leading to the ref calling for the bell.

No Contest - 5/10

Bad News Barrett vs Sin Cara

Not much of a contest, Barrett pretty much dominates Sin Cara on his way to a easy victory.

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 4/10

Divas Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal

10 Divas started the battle royal as Tamina, Natalya, Nikki Bella, Aksana, Emma, Eva Marie, Cameron, Naomi, Layla & Alicia Fox all took part, the final two came down to Tamina and Natalya, as Natalya attempted to climb the top rope for an offensive move, she was caught by a super kick by Tamina and subsequently eliminated, this installing Tamina as the #1 contender to Paige's Divas Title.

Winner of the Battle Royal: Tamina - 5/10

Big Show vs Jack Swagger

A good decent main event bout and Swagger sensibly focused his efforts on the leg of the Big Show, a couple of close falls followed and it looked like he was going to get him to tap out in the ankle lock, but Big Show managed to reverse it, get to his feet and hit Swagger with the KO punch for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Big Show - 5/10

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