Welcome to this weeks edition of Main Event. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E vs Alberto Del Rio

A rematch from last weeks Smackdown as the Intercontinental Champion Big E locks up with Del Rio. The champ enjoys the early exchange and he again holds out for the win as he gets the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Big E - 6/10

After the match Bad News Barrett appears on his stage and delivers some bad news! He tells Big E that his reign as champion will soon be over and that he is boring, much like the crowd here tonight.

Hornswoggle (with 3MB) vs El Torito (with Los Matadores)

Another rematch from Fridays Smackdown as the "big" rivalry continues, this week however it's Hornswoggle who gets the win as he hits a frog splash for the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Hornswoggle - 5/10

Sheamus vs Titus O'Neil

An intriguing match between two very physical wrestlers, Sheamus looking to end a short run of defeats on tv, Titus looking to build some momentum. Titus began to take control in parts of the match, but eventually was caught with the Brogue Kick allowing Sheamus to get the win

Winner via pinfall: Sheamus - 6/10

Jimmy Uso (with Jey Uso) vs Ryback (with Curtis Axel)

Jimmy & Ryback go at it on behalf of their respective teams, as the feud continues between the two tag teams. Momentum swings both ways and despite some outside altercation, Ryback hits his Shellshocked move for the victory.

Winner via pinfall: Ryback - 6/10

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