Welcome to this weeks edition of NXT. Remember to click on the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube Channel.

Colin Cassidy vs Aiden English

A good opening bout to this weeks NXT, English gained the victory after rolling Cassidy up whilst grabbing a handful if tights.

Winner via pinfall: Aiden English - 5/10

Backstage Devin Taylor is with Tyler Breeze. Devin asks Breeze if there was anything he wanted to say, however he didn't have anything to say other than he thought this episode needed someone gorgeous.

Camacho vs Oliver Grey

Oliver Grey makes his return to in-ring action, but Camacho pretty much dominates the proceedings, leading to him gaining the victory.

Winner via pinfall: Camacho - 5/10

Backstage Devin Taylor is with Bo Dallas. Devin talks about Dallas' attempt to occupy NXT last week which didn't exactly go to plan. Dallas responds that his Bo-Lievers are law-abiding and they didn't want to break the law. Dallas states he is determined to win back the NXT championship.

NXT Tag Team Champions The Ascension vs Wesley Blake & Cal Bishop

Another dominant performance from The Ascension as they easily dispose of Blake & Bishop as Connor gets the pinfall over Blake

Winners via pinfall: The Ascension - 5/10

Backstage Devin Taylor is with Sasha Banks & Charlotte. Devin asks Sasha about her recent run of loses. Charlotte says she isn't going to let the losing streak continue and next week Charlotte and Sasha will face Emma & her partner of her choice.

Next, CJ Parker makes his way to the ring and grabs the mic. He talks about how he can't sleep, wondering what life would be like without the NXT Universe and how he dreams of a clean world. At this point the Great Khali interupts and makes his way to the ring for a match with Parker.

CJ Parker vs The Great Khali

Khali begins as the aggressor before Parker turns things around, however Khali then catches Parker in the Punjabi plunge and gets the win.

Winner via pinfall: The Great Khali - 5/10

Jason Jordan & Tye Dillenger vs Baron Corbin & Sawyer Fulton

Good to see another tag team on NXT, Corin however enjoys the early exchange over Dillenger as he and Fulton make frequent tags, however the match changes when Jordan is tagged in, as he takes out both Corbin & Fulton, Jordan then tags Dillenger back in and he gets the pinfall over Fulton

Winners via pinfall: Jason Jordan & Tye Dillenger - 6/10

Brodus Clay vs NXT Champion Adrian Neville

Brodus Clay enjoyed the better of Neville during the match and began to dominate, however the match made it's way outside and Clay went for the elbow drop off the steel steps which he missed, Neville rolled back in and Clay was counted out.

Winner via count-out: Adrian Neville - 6/10

Brodus Clay attempts an elbow drop, which ultimately failed, leading to his count-out & Adrian Neville's win.

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