Welcome to this weeks edition of NXT. Remember to click on the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube Channel.

As the show starts NXT General manager JBL is seen in the corridor with WWE Divas Champion & NXT Women's Champion Paige. JBL congratulates Paige but then informs her that whilst she is busy defending the Divas title, she is neglecting the NXT Women's title and he states that it should remain regularly in NXT and informs Paige that she is being stripped of the title and a tournament will happen to crown a new champion.

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) vs Travis Tyler

Tyler gets dominated by Rusev and eventually taps out to the Accolade submission move.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 4/10

Backstage Devin Taylor is joined by Adam Rose - and his party entourage! Rose tells Camacho is a boring & a party pooper and issues Camacho a challenge.

Charlotte & Sasha Banks vs Emma & WWE Divas Champion Paige

All 4 divas give a good account and Paige suffers a minor injury to her knee, Charlotte is tagged in and much to the surprise of the NXT Universe, Charlotte gets the pinfall over the Divas Champion Paige!

Winners via pinfall: Charlotte & Sasha Banks - 6/10

Tyson Kidd vs Mason Ryan

Good match between two good performers on NXT. Tyson Kidd picks up a huge win over Mason Ryan.

Winner via pinfall: Tyson Kidd - 6/10

Angelo Dawkins vs Tyler Breeze

Tyler Breeze continues to show his new found aggressive side as he hits his "Beauty Shot" move for the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Tyler Breeze - 5/10

We re-cap on last weeks match between Brodus Clay & Adrian Neville, as we then see footage of Brodus Clayy attacking Adrian Neville backstage last week after NXT went off air, resulting in the loss of several teeth for Neville.

Corey Graves & NXT Tag Team Champions The Ascension vs Sami Zayn & WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos

Jimmy & Victor start things off for their respective teams. The match itself was a good main event match, Zayn & Jimmy took our Connor & Victor as Jey hit Graves with the big splash from the top rope for the win.

Winners via pinfall: The Usos & Sami Zayn - 7/10

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