Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Tonight we are live from Birmingham, Alabama. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

This weeks Raw is dedicated to the Ultimate Warrior, who sadly passed away last week.

The show opens as the WWE Superstars are lined together on the stage before a video package airs with comments from various Superstars to highlight the impact of the Ultimate Warrior.

We then have a 10 bell salute for Warrior, with some visibly upset Superstars. Warriors music plays as Triple H leads a chant of Warrior.

We then head to Michael Cole, JBL & Jerry Lawler to start the show as he confirms we will see some memorable Ultimate Warrior moments. Whilst tonight we will also see some in-ring action - including the start of a number 1 contenders tournament for the Intercontinental title!

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Round 1

Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam

The opening match of the tournament begins with the Intercontinental Champion, Big E looking on. A great opening match as momentum swings both ways, RVD gets the upper hand and hits the 5-star frog splash for the win as he advances to face the winner of Cesaro/Mark Henry

Winner via pinfall: Rob Van Dam - 6/10

Next we look back to last weeks Raw, as we look at what went down between Daniel Bryan & the Authority.

Backstage we see Triple H & Stephanie talking & are then joined by Randy Orton & Batista.

We are then treated to our first Ultimate Warrior moment, as we look back to Summerslam 88 as the Ultimate Warrior faced the Honky Tonk Man for the Intercontinental title, a match in which the Warrior won.

We return from a break to rejoin Triple H, Stephanie, Batista & Randy Orton. Triple H explains that although both men want a title shot, Daniel Bryan won't actually be there tonight, but they have a bigger problem in the Shield. Triple reaffirms his point that if the three of them stick together then nobody can stop them, but both Orton & Batista declare they are only interested in becoming WWE World Champion.

Rybaxel vs The Rhodes Brothers

Another good tag team match from a ever growing tag team division and the good run of form continues for Rybaxel as Ryback picks up the pinfall over Cody Rhodes.

Winners via pinfall: Ryback - 6/10

Another promo then airs for Bo Dallas, before we are treated to a Divas match.

WWE Divas Champion Paige vs Alicia Fox

The new Divas champ contests her first match on Raw since winning the title, Fox enjoys the early exchange, but Paige turns it around as she hooks Fox in a submission move as Fox taps out.

Winner via submission: Paige - 5/10

WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos vs Randy Orton & Batista

A rematch from last weeks Raw, a fight breaks out as the match starts, Orton & Jey then begin the action in-ring. Batista & Orton dominate the early exchange, as Orton & Jimmy battle outside, however the Shield appear & attack Orton to cause the DQ, as they then go for Batista, as both Orton & Batista eventually both retreat.

Winners via DQ: Batista & Randy Orton - 6/10

A nice touch from the Usos who come out in Ultimate Warrior shirts with the Warrior face paint, Jimmy having half on the left and Jey the other half on the right, clearly both men inspired by Warrior.

We then see another Ultimate Moment as we watch a video highlight of the WrestleMania VI match in which Warrior beat Hulk Hogan for the WWE title.

Backstage we see Orton & Batista walking through the corridor as Triple H approaches them and simply says "I Told You"

Paul Heyman comes out and reminds that Brock Lesnar conquered the Undertakers streak and he reminds us several times. We then see a selection of photos from WrestleMania and Brock victorious, he then introduces his latest client, the King of Swing Cesaro

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Round 1

Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) vs Mark Henry

Henry comes out in a Warrior t-shirt also, eventually him & Cesaro lock up. Henry enjoys the early exchange as he uses his strength, but Cesaro turns it around using his in-ring ability and then hits the neutraliser on Henry for the win to advance & face RVD in the semi-final

Winner via pinfall: Cesaro - 5/10

Backstage we see Triple H & Stephanie talking to Raw GM Brad Maddox, Triple H tells Maddox to find the Shield and tell them they have a match in the main event tonight, but he doesn't say who against.

Lana is then introduced to the stage as she in turn introduces Alexander Rusev.

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) vs Xavier Woods (with R Truth)

Another squash match for Rusev as he hooks Woods in his "Accolade" submission move as Woods then taps out.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 4/10

Another Ultimate Moment next as we re-cap the cage match between Warrior & Rick Rude for the WWE title at Summerslam 90 in which Warrior successfully defended his title.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Round 1

Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) vs Sheamus

A physical match follows between the two but Swagger gets caught by Sheamus' brogue kick as Sheamus advances & will face the winner of Bad News Barrett/Dolph Ziggler

Winner via pinfall: Sheamus - 6/10

A promo then airs for Adam Rose

We return from the break to see Damien Sandow in the ring, he has the mic & tells us that he is the most deserving person in the WWE, the Big Show's music hits and he makes his way to ring, but Sandow says he won't be silenced and everyone will have to listen while he gets something off his chest, Sandow claims he deserves the WWE Universe's support & backing, he tells Big Show that he deserves the support and respect, however Big Show then delivers a knock out punch and leaves the ring.

Next the Wyatt Family make their way to the ring. Bray grabs the mic, he speaks about society in general, how we see what people want us to see. Bray says he has a thousand names and that he has never lied to the WWE Universe, but that John Cena has. Bray promises that he won't let Cena lie to them anymore and claims to have Cena right where he wants him. Bray then calls out Cena, who makes his way to the stage. Cena says he wants to have fun tonight & questions why the Wyatt Family are always so serious. Cena then claims to have found Sister Abigail! A photo then appears on the screen, which is clearly Bray mocked up as a girl. Cena then claims to have find the mother, which is a mocked up photo of Luke Harper. Finally he claims to have found a new member of the family, which is a mocked up photo of a baby & Erick Rowan. Wyatt retaliates by stating that whenever Cena has a serious threat up against him, he just makes a joke of it. Cena says that when he gets serious, it involves him winning. Cena then issues a challenge to Bray and says at Extreme Rules he wants to face Bray inside a steel cage! Bray says he likes that and he seemingly accepts his challenge!

Santino Marella & Emma vs Fandango & Layla

Fandango & Santino begin the match for their respective teams, Layla is then tagged in as she & Emma then go at it and before long, Emma gets caught as Layla gets the pinfall.

Winner via pinfall: Fandango & Layla - 3/10

Backstage Stephanie is talking to Kane and tells him he is letting his personal feelings get too involved. Stephanie then rips into Kane and calls him pathetic and claims he is a shell of himself, which only served to anger Kane. The mask of Kane is then shown inside a glass box, which Kane states at and then removes, he holds it up to Stephanie and promises to send Daniel Bryan to the depths of hell.

We are then reminded about Warrior week on the WWE Network, as we look back to last week at the Warriors appearance on Raw, which was of course to be his last appearance.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Round 1

Dolph Ziggler vs Bad News Barrett

A good match between the two former Intercontinental Champions. Ziggler gaining some very close pinfalls, but Barrett's resilience saw him turn the momentum and he hit Ziggler with the BullHammer to gain the pinfall and advance to face Sheamus

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 7/10

After the match Barrett says he has some "Bad News." He claims that he will be the next Intercontinental Champion

This was a great match between two great stars, this Bad News Barrett gimmick is really starting to pay off and evolve, he's a great performer and if he stays injury free then he could be in line for a big run in the future. Ziggler on the other hand has been on a terrible run since WrestleMania. I can't help but think he needs a new gimmick/manager/partner. He's too good a performer to let slide away to lower card level but he needs something to redevelop himself.

A video now airs to re-cap the "Monster" side of Kane that Stephanie asked him to show - A proper look at the Big Red Machine.

The next match is our main event and it features The Shield versus mystery opponents, The Shield enter the ring and await, Alberto Del Rio is first out, followed by Jack Swagger, Fandango, 3MB, Titus O'Neil, Rybaxel, Alexander Rusev & Bad News Barrett in a 11-3 Handicap match!

11-3 Handicap Match

The Shield vs Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Fandango, 3MB, Titus O'Neil, Rybaxel, Alexander Rusev & Bad News Barrett

Seth Rollins & Heath Slater kick things off for their respective teams, Rollins soon gets cornered and is in trouble as the team of 11 make frequent tags, Titus & Ryback particularly impressive, the fight descends to the ringside and a fight breaks out between all 14 men and the Ref calls for the bell. The 14 Superstars continues to fight as it makes it's way back into the ring, The Shield then take a proper beating from the 11 Superstars they faced tonight, before the Evolution music hits and out come Triple H, Batista & Randy Orton. They make their way to the ring and Triple H orders everyone out, as Evolution begin to beat on the Shield. Triple H then grabs the mic, and taunts Reigns & tells him to "Believe Evolution" before hitting a pedigree on him. Evolution then celebrate as the show comes to a close.

No Contest - 6/10

I have to say, the reforming of Evolution is a genuis idea and this feud with The Shield could seriously become the best feud the WWE has produced for years. If your not excited at this prospect then you are not easily pleased!

Overall comments: Firstly and most importantly I just want to reiterate again how sad a loss the Ultimate Warrior is and how our thoughts and prayers continue to be with his wife & 2 daughters. There was a nice touch to Raw tonight, the opening tribute was touching and I think the whole of Raw played out the way Warrior would have wanted - focusing on the guys of today. He was a big advocate of people stepping down when their time was clearly done and letting the new guys make their mark, he spoke about this during his last few days at both the HOF & in part with his speech on Raw last week. I just want to say thank you for the memories Ultimate Warrior. You were my childhood hero & the reason why I have such a passion about the WWE today.

As for the show itself, I was delighted a proper, genuine focus was placed upon the Intercontinental Title, a proper tournament that wasn't rushed through in one night, a great move and it rightly made sure that a focus is now back on the IC title. The other matches on the card were good, really impressed by Rybaxel lately, I've said before they to me are a modern day Hart Foundation - the technical ability if Curtis Axel & the brute strength of Ryback - much like Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart in the day. They pull off a good match and I hope their push continues. Good to see a decent Divas match again, so many great Divas around lately, it deserves some real attention.

As mentioned above the reformation of Evolution is a brilliant move and one that works for Orton & Batista now, they are an awesome trio (part of me hopes Ric Flair might come back!) and the prospect of a Evolution/Shield feud excites me, more than the Shield/Wyatt's feud if that's even possible!

Overall a very decent show, set with the right tone.

Overall Show Rating: 9/10

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