Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Tonight we are live from New Orleans. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

The show begins with a video package highlighting Daniel Bryan's rise from a NXT rookie to WWE World Champion. We then join the show live as Daniel Bryan is introduced and makes his way to the ring. The crowd are very loud and a long loud chant of Daniel Bryan breaks out. Bryan thanks the fans and says that because of them he is able to stand there as WWE World Champion. Triple H's music then hits as he & Stephanie make their way to the ring, both stand on the ring apron. Triple H tells Bryan to enjoy his moment because it won't last and tonight Bryan is going to defend his title against Triple H himself, as both him & Stephanie leave.

The New WWE World Heavyweight Champion makes his way to ringside on Raw!

Michael Cole looks to tonight's show, as later we will speak to Brock Lesnar who of course broke the Undertakers streak.

We return from the break as Stephanie & Triple H are talking, Batista then joins & asks what's going on and declares he wants a rematch, Randy Orton then appears & states he is owed a rematch. Stephanie says that after tonight it will be sorted out after Raw & for now both Orton & Batista will face the Usos for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Triple H reminds them that historically that when all 3 are on the same page, nobody can stop them.

The Wyatt Family v John Cena, Sheamus & Intercontinental Champion Big E

The crowd for this match are electric and very pro Wyatt Family as every move the Wyatt Family do is cheered whilst anything Cena, Sheamus & Big E do is booed. The Wyatt Family look extremely impressive and they clean house, Bray hits the Sister Abigail on Big E for the 3-count.

Winners via pinfall: The Wyatt Family - 7/10

What a crowd atmosphere - you see that's how you make an impact at a show, their support for the Wyatt Family was immense and the entire crowd should be applauded for making the atmosphere electric and for making their feelings known on who they would rather see.

We return to see a promo for Bo Dallas who seemingly is going to making his debut on the main roster shortly.

Fandango & Summer Rae v Santino Marella & Emma

A very short lived match that barely lasts two minutes, Emma gets the win for her team, as she applies the Emma lock to Summer Rae and makes her tap out.

Winners via submission: Emma & Santino Marella - 3/10

We return from the break to be joined by the man who conquered the Undertakers streak - Brock Lesnar accompanied of course by Paul Heyman. Heyman introduces Brock as the man who broke the streak. Heyman tells the crowd that he did tell you that would happen so they shouldn't be surprised. Heyman then says he will now shoot from the hip. He speaks about how when Undertaker got back from the ring he collapsed & was taken to hospital and that Vince McMahon left WrestleMania to go with him, he adds that the Undertaker nearly had his neck broke during last nights match. Heyman notes that he is angry that the Undertaker was clapped as he left & Lesnar was booed. Heyman calls the WWE Universe a bunch of wanabee's. Heyman puts over Brock big time, citing his history in the UFC & his amateur wrestling career, comparing it to other top WWE stars who have achieved far less, calling them all wanabee's and stating that Brock Lesnar is the 1 and that Brock is the 1 in 21-1. Both men leave the ring.

The man that broke the streak - that's how Brock Lesnar will be remembered in history among his many accomplishments.

A promo then airs for Adam Rose who also will be making his debut on the main roster shortly.

WWE Tag Team Championship match

Batista & Randy Orton v The Usos (c)

The match soon descends into a fight, that makes it's way outside the ring, resulting in both teams being counted out. Both Batista & Orton then show a sign of solidarity as they get in the ring and both raise their hands

Double Count-Out - The Usos retain the WWE Tag Team Titles- 4/10

I have to admit, it was great seeing Orton & Batista on the same page as a team, seeing them both raise their hands afterwards brought back a lot of good memories.

We return from the break as Justin Roberts welcomes back Rob Van Dam for his return match.

Rob Van Dam v Damien Sandow

RVD enjoys a comfortable victory on his return to the WWE with a dominant victory over Sandow after hitting the 5star frog splash.

Winner via pinfall: Rob Van Dam - 6/10

Rey Mysterio v Bad News Barrett

Barrett makes his return to in-ring action on tv with a victory as the crowd are very pro Barrett, as he gets the 3-count.

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 6/10

Who said this whole Bad News Barrett gimmick is no good? Barrett was well over with the crowd in that match - almost as much as what the Wyatt's were earlier! He's a great performer is Barrett and he can make any angle/persona work

After the break we will see the in-ring debut on Raw of Alexander Rusev.

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) v Zack Ryder

An impressive Rusev makes short work of Ryder as he makes him tap out within a few short minutes.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 5/10

We then see a brief re-cap of Saturday's Hall of Fame induction ceremony as it is then revealed that the Ultimate Warrior will be making his return to Raw next!

I gotta say the child in me has goosebumps! The Ultimate Warrior's music hits and he makes his way to ring on Raw for the first time in nearly 20 years! I'm delighted the crowd have shown him the respect he deserves. The Warrior puts over the fans as the ones who made the Ultimate Warrior. He then says that there are many young guys in the back who have the potential to make that same impact and become legends of the wrestling world.

The Ultimate Warrior returns to Raw!!

Divas Champion AJ Lee makes her way to the ring with Tamina Snuka to talk about her win in last nights match. AJ talks about how she is the best Diva in the world and how she is the Divas Division! NXT Women's Champion Paige then interupts and makes her way to the ring. Paige says she wants to congratulate AJ, but AJ says she doesn't want her congratulations and then offers to face Paige tonight and put her Divas title on the line and orders a referee after then slapping Paige. A referee appears and the match begins.

WWE Divas Championships Match

AJ Lee (c) (with Tamina Snuka) v Paige

AJ hooks up Paige in her submission move, but Paige counters it, takes away AJ's legs and rolls AJ up for the 3-count and we have a new Divas Champion!

Winner via pinfall and NEW Divas Champion: Paige - 5/10

Hulk Hogan makes his way to ringside as he is due to present the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal Trophy to it's winner - Cesaro! Hogan talks about what an awesome WrestleMania it was and that his favourite moment was the battle royal and notes that Andre would have been proud, before he introduces the winner, Cesaro who is accompanied by Zeb Colter. Hogan congratulates Cesaro & leaves the ring. Colter then grabs the mic and tells us what sort of guy Cesaro is. Cesaro then grabs the mic and tells Colter that he isn't a Zeb Colter guy, but he is in fact a Paul Heyman guy!! Heyman then comes out and declares himself the advocate of the king of swing - Cesaro! Heyman goes to discuss how he wants the commentators to address Cesaro and Cesaro and Colter argue, before Jack Swagger rushes to the ring and attacks Cesaro and destroys the Andre the Giant memorial trophy!

We return from the break to see a match between the two!

Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) v Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

A good match between the two and both show a potential feud between the two could be a very good one, Swagger gets knocked out of the ring & Colter tells him not to return as he and Swagger walk to the backstage area as Swagger is counted out.

Winner via count out: Cesaro - 6/10

Backstage Stephanie is joined by Kane & The Shield. She tells them she doesn't care what happened last night, she wants them to ensure Triple H gets the win tonight. The Shield ask where the New Age Outlaws are. Kane retaliates but Stephanie stops them all in their tracks and tells them in no uncertain terms that tonight they all need to be on the same page to make sure Triple H gets what he wants.

Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring to face Triple H for the title but as Bryan enters the ring, Batista & Randy Orton run to the ring and attack Bryan, Kane's music then hits and he makes his way to the ring and seemingly orders both men out of the ring before choke slamming Bryan himself! Triple H then enters ready for the match accompanied by Stephanie. Triple H then orders the start of the match. The Shields music then hits as they make their way to the ring.

Kane, Batista & Orton stand on one side of the apron with the Shield on the other, all 6 men enter the ring with Triple H trying to act as peace maker. Reigns then spears Triple H and a fight breaks out as the Shield clear the ring!

The Shield then surround Triple H and then out of nowhere Daniel Bryan hits Triple H with a running knee! The show closes as Daniel Bryan and the Shield celebrate in the ring.

Triple H acts as peacemaker but his efforts were in vain!

Overall comments: What an awesome edition of Raw, as to be expected now post WrestleMania! Seriously this was a superb edition with some superb matches and I will argue with anyone who says the current WWE product is not good. It's as good as it has been for over 10 years in my opinion. There is a real genuine feeling of a new era dawning and first a foremost those down at NXT must be congratulated for making the WWE as strong as it is today. They are developing world class stars down there and we are reaping the benefits of their hard work. So well done! The crowd were awesome - New Orleans please take a pat on the back. You were superb. If Raw crowds were like this every week - well we'd be in for a heck of a show. The energy towards the Wyatt Family was immense and in my opinion proved the WWE no longer need to rely on the likes of John Cena. There are new stars emerging. Paul Heymans promo was superb. Nobody could have delivered it better and what he said rung some serious truths. I expect Brock to be or have held the WWE title within 12 months. Great seeing RVD back as well as Bad News Barrett. Big big night for Paige as she snatched the Divas title from AJ Lee. That will send massive shock waves through the Divas division. The whole Cesaro swerve was executed perfectly and there couldn't of been anyone who saw that coming - quite superb and brilliant news for Cesaro. I'm liking that managers are beginning to play an important role again. Just need a few more to help some key superstars on the roster. The apparent reformation of Evolution I like very much, Batista & Randy Orton are great together and I really think they are going to prove key in the imminent future with Daniel Bryan. Add the Shield into that mix and we've got ourselves a great feud building here. What great times it is and what a great, great show. Well done!

Match of the Night: The opening contest between the Wyatt's against Cena/Sheamus/Big E is my pick. It was great match wrestling wise that was made 10x better by the crowd!

Overall Show Rating: 10/10

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