Welcome to Smackdown! Live from Cajundome, LA.

Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

The Big Show vs Cesaro (with Paul Heyman)

Big Show & Cesaro hook up as Heyman joins the team on commentary. A good match follows between the two, Cesaro attempts to put Show in the swing, but out of nowhere Jack Swagger arrives and hooks Cesaro in the ankle lock causing the DQ. Big Show then gets rid of Swagger, angry that he cost him the match. But Cesaro then attacks Big Show again and hits him with the neutralizer!

Winner via DQ: Cesaro - 6/10

We return from the break to see John Cena making his way to the ring. Cena talks about all that happened at WrestleMania and then puts over the new up-coming stars in the WWE & declares that he is the one that anyone must go through to get to the top. The Wyatt Family then appear on the screen. Bray talks about his loss to Cena and declares that he hasn't finished with him yet.

Michael Cole then reveals that tonight Daniel Bryan & the Usos will face Randy Orton, Batista & Kane, before looking at the press reaction to the Undertakers loss to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania.

Los Matadores (with El Torito) vs Rybaxel

Ryback & Curtis Axel gain an impressive victory over Los Matadores as Axel gets the 3-count over Diego.

Winners via pinfall: Rybaxel - 6/10

Damien Sandow vs Rob Van Dam

A rematch from Monday's Raw as Sandow looks to end his awful run of form and gain revenge over RVD. A better effort from Sandow in this match, much more on the offensive, however the end result is the same as RVD hits the 5 Star Frog Splash for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Rob Van Dam - 6/10

Hulk Hogan is introduced next as he makes his way to the ring. Hogan talks about WM & his favourite WM moment as he saw Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Championship. Hogan then introduces the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan, who makes his way to the ring. Bryan talks about how great things are lately having won the title, getting married soon & now sharing the ring with Hulk Hogan. Bryan puts over how when he was a child he idolised Hulk Hogan and the effect he had on him as a child. Bryan says there is one more thing that can make his week, as he requests that Hogan does his routine pose down with him. The two then share the pose down in what proves to be a nice genuine moment between the two.

Next up after the break Bad News Barrett is in action!

Kofi Kingston vs Bad News Barrett

Barrett's second match back results in victory as he claims the victory over Kofi.

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 5/10

Santino Marella (with Emma) vs Fandango (with Layla)

After the public dumping of Summer Rae by Fandango over Twitter, Layla now seems to be Fandango's new dance partner. Santino starts brightly and goes for his "Cobra" but Layla snatched it from him, allowing Fandango to roll Santino up for the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Fandango - 5/10

We then look back to Raw on Monday where Paige defeated AJ Lee for the Divas Championship.

Oddly they then show the Rey Mysterio/Bad News Barrett match from Raw

We then see a promo for Adam Rose & his impending debut.

We then recap what happened on Raw between Triple H & the Authority & The Shield & Daniel Bryan, before re-capping what the Shield had to say on Main Event this week.

Backstage we join Batista, Randy Orton & Kane. Kane tells Orton & Batista that they will have to stick together & put aside their personal differences as they all work for a "higher power"

WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos & WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan vs Kane, Batista & Randy Orton

Batista & Jey starts things off for their respective teams. Both teams gain the upper hand before the match descends outside as Kane & Bryan fight out of the ring, before Batista & Orton join them, leading to the Usos taking them all out, which leads to a double count-out. The fight continues outside when the Shield appear and attack Kane. Batista & Orton retreat and as Kane attempts to hit the Shield with a steel chair, Daniel Bryan makes the save. Bryan & the Shield celebrate in the ring as Batista & Orton look on as the show comes to a close.

Double count-out - 7/10

Overall comments: A good edition of Smackdown that wasn't littered with Raw repeats & had more emphasis on the matches which is only ever good! Smackdown does a very good job of building the continuing storylines in-ring.

Of course Raw this week will be dedicated to the Ultimate Warrior, which promises to be an emotional night.

Overall Show Rating: 7/10

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