Welcome to Smackdown! Live from Nashville, Tennessee.

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WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E vs Alberto Del Rio

The champ looks to avenge a couple of recent losses to Del Rio. Big E gets caught in Del Rio's cross face submission move, however he reaches the rope, but Del Rio doesn't release it before the 5 count and the referee disqualified Del Rio.

Winner via DQ: Big E - 6/10

We return from the break to find Triple H making his way to the ring. Triple grabs the mic and begins by saying that one of his jobs as C.O.O. is to find new talent for the WWE. He says that some of the biggest talent has been the Shield. He states however that they have crossed the line in recent weeks and we then re-cap what happened on Raw this week. After the video Triple H then reminds us that all the Shield has to do was apologise, which they never did. Triple H then states that the Shield have now past their best and being useful & declares that at Extreme Rules the Shield will face Evolution.

We return from the break to find Paul Heyman in the ring, as he reminds us that he is the advocate of the King of Swing Cesaro & also the "1" behind the "1 in 21" Brock Lesnar who of course defeated the Undertakers streak, a fact which Heyman repeats multiple times on the mic, much to the annoyance of the crowd.

We now look back to Main Event and see the events between Los Matadores & 3MB & in particular between El Torito & Hornswoggle, as both El Torito & Hornswoggle go head to head tonight.

WWE Divas Champion Paige vs Aksana

Before the match starts Aksana has the mic and tells Paige that she got lucky by winning the title and tonight her luck runs out, before attacking Paige as the match officially starts. Aksana enjoys the early exchange but Paige turns it around and hooks her up in her signature submission move as Aksana taps out

Winner via submission: Aksana - 6/10

Backstage Renee Young is joined by Sheamus as she asks him about his match with Batista as we then look back at what happened between them 3 weeks ago. Sheamus says that what it's really about is whoever gets hit the hardest and keeps going is what matters & he promises to give Batista a proper fight tonight.

Backstage we see Hornswoggle & El Torito preparing for their match which is up next.

El Torito (with Los Matadores) vs Hornswoggle (with Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre of 3MB)

A little bit of a break from the norm for this match and it's El Torito that gets the win after hitting the moonsault.

Winner via pinfall: El Torito - 5/10

We then see a promo video for Alexander Rusev, who makes his Smackdown debut next.

After the break Bad News Barrett has appeared on his stage and also says he has some bad news. He mocks the crowd for applauding the match between El Torito & Hornswoggle and mocks them for having small brains.

Lana comes out and introduced Alexander Rusev.

R Truth (with Xavier Woods) vs Alexander Rusev (with Lana)

R Truth provides Rusev with his stiffest competition to date, but Rusev soon turns it around and hooks him in his Accolade submission move as R Truth taps out.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 5/10

We then re-cap the tribute to the Ultimate Warrior from Monday's Raw. Still a very emotional moment that can't help but bring a tear to my eye, again I just have to thank Warrior for all the wonderful memories and send all my best wishes to Warrior's wife Dana and their two daughters.

We are then shown this weeks Raw exclusive and see the match between Rybaxel & the Rhodes Brothers.

Fandango (with Layla) vs Santino Marella (with Emma

Both men hook up but the match is pretty short lived as Santino rolls up Fandango for the win

Winner via pinfall: Santino Marella - 4/10

The segment from Raw between Stephanie & Kane is then shown.

Sheamus vs Batista

What an awesome match. Worthy of being a main event on any show. Batista gets the win after hitting the Batista-Bomb to get the 3-count.

Winner via pinfall: Batista - 7/10

I have to say I enjoyed that match, great physical battle between the two. Batista is looking more like his old self now and deserves credit for that, as for Sheamus, he has produced superb matches for the last 4 months. Doesn't get the credit he deserves.

Overall comments: An enjoyable edition of Smackdown. I had caught a few glimpses on Twitter of people saying they had seen spoilers of Smackdown and that it was an awful show - those people couldn't be more wrong. Firstly why you'd want to look for spoilers is beyond me, just wait and watch the show - if you can't do that then you really don't enjoy any show. This was another solid edition of Smackdown with some well worked matches.

Overall Show Rating: 7/10

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