Welcome to Smackdown! This week from Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

Jey Uso (with Jimmy Uso) vs Curtis Axel (with Ryback)

The feud continues between the Usos & Rybaxel and it's the latter who again take the advantage as Curtis Axel hits the neck breaker and gets the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Curtis Axel - 6/10

Rybaxel are certainly being booked as a strong tag team, as both members have taken victories over the respective Usos in the last week as the tag team champions have built little or no momentum in recent weeks.

Smackdown GM Vicki Guererro is in the ring next and she would like to address the Shield and announces that the Shield will be in action against 11 other men tonight (where have we seen that before?!) Vicki then says next is time for the great debate and introduces Zeb Colter alongside Jack Swagger as well as Paul Heyman who is with Cesaro. Zeb starts by talking how he made Cesaro what he is today and wants to know why he did it. Heyman now has his turn and he simply just reiterated that his client Brock Lesnar conquered the Underdertakers undefeated streak at WrestleMania - which he repeats about 10 times. Zeb replies by saying he doesn't care about Brock Lesnar and again asks why Heyman stole Cesaro. Heyman responds by saying that Cesaro won the WrestleMania battle royal because of him. Zeb then begins to lose his cool and he begins to shove Heyman as both men are then pulled apart as we head to a break. When we return we see Cesaro & Swagger in action.

Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) vs Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

A good match between the two former partners, Cesaro & Heyman gain the early bragging rights as Cesaro gets the win.

Winner via pinfall: Cesaro - 7/10

As Cesaro & Heyman celebrate The Shield make their way to ring, and enter the ring before circling a beaten Jack Swagger (who will be a participant of handicap match against the Shield later), as the Shield attack Swagger as Roman Reigns announces that they are just getting started.

We return from the break to see Vicki Guerrero backstage on the phone to seemingly Triple H and it seems that he has given Vicki the night off and put Raw GM, Brad Maddox in charge.

Natalya vs Tamina Snuka

Natalya looked impressive in this match and got a very close count at one point, but Tamina turned it around and gained the victory.

Winner via pinfall: Tamina Snuka - 6/10

We then see 3MB backstage talking as The Shield appear and begin to take out 3MB.

We then have this weeks Raw exclusive which is the match between Alexander Rusev & Sin Cara

After the break we see the Wyatt Family making their way to the ring. A steel cage is lowered around the ring as Bray grabs the mic. Bray talks about John Cena & warns Cena that it's about time John Cena stopped underestimating him. He tells Cena that their cage match will be like a snake trapped in a box with a rat and that he has seen the future in his dreams & that one by one, everyone will follow Bray Wyatt.

Luke Harper & Erick Rowan of the Wyatt Family (with Bray Wyatt) vs The Rhodes Brothers

Cody & Goldust seemingly patched up their difficulties from Monday, or maybe not! Cody was attempting to hit Rowan with a air attack from the top rope outside the ring, but was stopped as Harper threw Goldust into the corner turnbuckle, causing Cody to be knocked off from the top and land outside the ring, which then led to Harper getting the 3-count over Goldust.

Winners via pinfall: Luke Harper & Erick Rowan - 6/10

We go backstage to see Brad Maddox on the phone, he is then soon interupted by the Shield and Maddox advises them that beating up fellow Superstars is not the way but the Shield react by attacking Maddox and throwing him against the wall before Dean Ambrose unleashes some punishment.

Santino Marella & Emma vs Fandango & Layla

As Fandango was making his way to the ring, he was attacked by the Shield, before they triple power bombed Fandango off the stage and through 2 x tables.

No Contest

Next we re-cap Kane's attack on Daniel Bryan on Raw this past Monday.

The Shield vs Ryback, Damien Sandow, Titus O'Neil, Alberto Del Rio & Bad News Barrett

The Shield enjoy the early exchange but momentum swings both ways, a mass brawl breaks out and eventually Damien Sandow is left facing the Shield and Roman Reigns hits him with the spear to get the win for his team.

Winners via pinfall: The Shield - 7/10

Overall comments: Tonight's show was ok, wouldn't say it was the best put together but there were some ok matches and it was fairly enjoyable, even though a little too much seemed to be rehashed moments like the Shield being booked in a handicap match. The highlight of the night for me was oddly the "debate". Paul Heyman is the king of promos for me but tonight I'd have to say Zeb Colter out-did him and he came across a huge deal better and more sincere, that coupled with me being bored about Brock Lesnar beating Undertakers streak! Also I'm unsure if Cesaro with Heyman is actually a good work, right now it seems like they don't know where to go with him but we shall see as it's too early to write anything off. Anyway an ok show that continued some storylines in some sense and had some fairly decent matches involved, which is what Smackdown is for me - all about proper decent wrestling matches.

Overall Show Rating: 6/10

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