Have you recovered from WrestleMania 30 yet? Nope neither have I! I've just had to sit down and watch Brock Lesnar getting the pinfall over the Undertaker. That really has and will become the top WrestleMania moment.

Still we've all had time to reflect and here is my thoughts on the aftermath as well as a selection of Tweets that caught my eye.

Firstly it was a shame that the Fatal 4-Way got bumped to pre-show because it could have been a great match, however I'm pleased the Usos got the win and keep hold of the belts.

The official opening match between Triple H & Daniel Bryan was awesome. I loved Triple H's entrance and it's moments like that and matches like this that make me wish Triple H was still active. They both put on a fantastic match and it really set the tone for the whole show.

I was slightly disappointed that the Shield vs Kane & The Outlaws didn't last long, I had visions of that being a classic. I understand time constraints etc but think there was potential missed in that match, whether Billy Gunn's minor injury impacted on that I don't know but this was a match I was highly anticipating and was a little disappointed we didn't see much of it.

The Andre Battle Royal was actually quite good when it got going. The early stages are always difficult with so many men in the ring. I was slightly surprised to see Cesaro as an entrant but when it started I was convinced that Big Show would win, even with Show & Cesaro left I was certain that Show was getting the victory, so when Cesaro body-slammed Show over the top rope to eliminate him I was pleasantly surprised and it really continued the tone for the night with the up and coming youngsters getting the victories so far.

The following match saw John Cena take on Bray Wyatt. Bray was superb throughout this match and for me carried the match and give it an interesting edge. I will admit I was hugely disappointed with the result. I didn't see the need for Cena to win, what does it do for him? Bray needed that win. Not only would it have continued the theme of the changing of the guard so to speak, but also because there had been so much build up to Bray and clearly he is a hugely popular figure right now and his persona is unique and he has the making of being a huge star, having him win would have signalled his arrival and boosted him even further. But having Cena win kind of killed that slightly. I just don't see what they can do with Cena anymore - other than a heel turn - because he has been there and done it for ages and to be honest if he is involved with the WWE title scene in the near future all it's going to do is harm those on the verge of breaking through to the very top level - like Bray, Reigns, Cesaro etc. they need to establish their own careers and feuds and not hang off the coat tails of John Cena. So yeah I'm disappointed Bray didn't win.

And so on the Streak - Lesnar vs Undertaker. I promise you that this match and it's ending will go down in history as the Ultimate WrestleMania moment. I will happily admit, not one tiny piece of me saw Brock Lesnar winning, sure I thought he'd push him far but never imagined he would be the one to break the Streak. When Brock got the 3 count I had to do a double take, I literally went blank for 4/5 seconds and then my initial reaction was that a mistake was made and it was only a two count. The reaction of the crowd was gold. I think the entire wrestling world was stunned and rightly so. Now I'm not going to go into why or why not Brock should if beat the streak, especially with Raw waiting in the wings tonight where surely there will be developments, however Brock is as good as choice of any. A up and coming youngster maybe a good choice but they would always have that tag and pressure and we've seen how quickly a wrestler can be buried if they don't live up to fans expectations. Maybe a legend like HBK or Triple H could have done it? But clearly they have plans for Brock heading forward and this win will install him as one of the most dominant forces again in the WWE and I fully expect him to have a title run within the next 12 months. It was a brave decision to do it and let's not forget the Undertaker will have decided this and nobody else. So let's just see where Raw takes us.

The crowd were still stunned in almost silence with our next match and you have to feel nothing but sympathy for the Divas involved in the title match BUT huge credit to the Divas involved, they put on a really decent match with some good spots in what was exceptionally difficult circumstances and they should be applauded. The Divas often get the short end of the stick which they don't deserve and they deserve huge, huge credit.

And so onto the main event! This proved to be a really brilliant main event and a huge amount of respect to Batista, Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan for making this match what it was. They did superbly to get the crowd alive again and into the match and credit for the way the match was worked and unfolded. The result not a surprise but nonetheless was a great feeling seeing it happen and huge congratulations to Daniel Bryan. The night was his - even though the show will probably be remembered for the Streak being beaten!

I have read a few tweets/reports that WrestleMania 30 barely made 5/10 - that's nonsense and I hope that was just raw emotion and shock from the Undertaker match talking. This was a great WrestleMania - one of the best for a long, long while and one of the better PPV's the WWE have out together for a little while. It was a brilliant event, well worked and of course there will be little nit-picks but ultimately we cannot all ever be pleased. The WWE really is in a good state and with the potential of people like Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro, Wyatt etc etc we genuinely could be entering a new golden era in the WWE and I am confident that Triple H and Steph & those around them realise that.

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