Welcome to WrestleMania 30!! Live from New Orleans!

Kick Off Show

Fatal 4-Way Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships

The Usos (c) v Rybaxel v Los Matadores (with El Torito) v The Real Americans (with Zeb Colter)

The tag titles are on the line in this opening bout on the Pre-Show and the match will be an elimination match. Some good spots early on & despite Los Matadores cleaning house, they are soon eliminated as Swagger makes Fernando tap out to the Patriot Lock.

Los Matadores eliminated

The Usos are nearly eliminated with a few very close pinfalls but it's Rybaxel who are gone next as Cesaro hits the neutraliser on Ryback to eliminate them.

Rybaxel eliminated.

Two Teams remain and the Real Americans look like stealing a march on the champions, but there is some decension between Swagger & Cesaro leading to the Usos gaining the 3-count

Winners via pinfall and still WWE Tag Team Champions: The Usos - 7/10

Main Show

Here we go!!! This is it!! We begin the show proper as the host of WrestleMania 30, Hulk Hogan is introduced and makes his way to the ring. Hogan recounts his WrestleMania moments and how excited he is. Making a little mistake in saying how happy he is to be in the Silverdome which was the WrestleMania 3 venue! We then hear the glass shatter and it means only one thing! Stone Cold Steve Austin!! Austin makes his way to the ring. Austin asks the crowd if they want him to open a can of whoop-ass on Hogan to give him a hell yeah! Which they duly respond with. Austin then puts over Hogan and all he has achieved at WrestleMania & says how much respect he has for him. Austin then adds that tonight is about the current crop of stars to make their impact - at which point the Rock's music hits and he makes his way to ringside!! The Rock & Austin exchange a quick hug as a sign of mutual respect. All 3 men seem to be enjoying the atmosphere. The Rock adds that all 3 men have left their mark for the wrestlers of today to do what they do. The Rock then puts over all 3 men as all 3 men finish off with their signature catchphrase. Austin then calls from some beer as the 3 men sink some beer in the ring!

Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler & JBL look at our opening match which is Daniel Bryan v Triple H.

Justin Roberts then introduces Stephanie McMahon, who then introduces her husband, the COO of the WWE and Daniel Bryan's opponent - Triple H. His entrance is quite awesome, something from a Conan the Barbarian movie. Daniel Bryan then makes his way down for our opening bout.

Triple H (with Stephanie McMahon) v Daniel Bryan

A awesome opening match to the show, so many near falls with momentum swinging both ways. Triple got a very close 3 count after a pedigree and as he went to hit it a second time later on, Daniel Bryan countered, hit the running knee and gained the 3-count for the win and he will now face Randy Orton & Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Title tonight!

Winner via pinfall: Daniel Bryan - 9/10

After the match Stephanie got in the ring and proceeded to slap Bryan before Triple H attacked Bryan from behind and did further damage to his arm/shoulder by hitting if with a steel chair.

The New Age Outlaws & Kane v The Shield

Dean Ambrose & Kane start things off. The match soon descends into an all out brawl, The Shield clean house, then deliver a double powerbomb on the Outlaws & the match is over in a matter of minutes.

Winners via pinfall: The Shield - 4/10

Backstage we see Sgt Slaughter & Hacksaw Jim Duggan plugging the Slam City Toyline, then are soon joined by Ricky Steamboat & Ted DiBiase & Ron Simmons.

30 Man Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

All 30 men battle it out in the ring, Yoshi Tatsu is first gone, followed by Brad Maddox. Sadly my pick, Alexander Rusev was not one of the 30. The ring begins to clear a little as a few more get eliminated, most notably at this point, Mark Henry. We get down to a final 8 of Del Rio, Sheamus, Kingston, Big Show, Cody, Cesaro, Rey Mysterio & Ziggler. Cody is next to go. Followed by Mysterio as we are down to 6. Kingston goes next as we are down to 5, before Ziggler is eliminated leaving us with Del Rio, Sheamus, Big Show & Cesaro. Sheamus & Del Rio tangle & end up eliminating each other. Big Show & Cesaro lock up, both men nearly eliminated but here comes your WrestleMania moment... Cesaro picks up the Big Show and body slams him over the top rope!! Cesaro is your winner!

Winner of the Andre the Giant Battle Royal: Cesaro - 7/10

Next up will be John Cena against Bray Wyatt as we see a video to build up to this match.

We return live to see another awesome entrance, this time from Bray Wyatt as Mark Crozer and his band perform Live in Fear live!

Bray Wyatt (with Erick Rowan & Luke Harper) v John Cena

An intriguing match in which Wyatt seemed to dominate the mind games and pushed Cena to the limits, Bray brought a chair into the ring and goaded Cena into using it, however he did, he hit the AA and got the pinfall.

Winner via pinfall: John Cena - 7/10

We then look back at last nights Hall of Fame ceremony. Howard Finkell then introduces all 7 inductees as they appear at the top of the stage. Congratulations Jake Roberts, Mr. T, Paul Bearer (represented by his sons), Carlos Colon, Lita, Razor Ramon & the Ultimate Warrior who comes out to his signature music! (I will admit I half expected him to come out in full gear and face paint but alas it was not to be!) A great moment none the less!

A video then airs to promote our next match! It's time for the Streak!

Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) v The Undertaker

Not quite the match I expected, but it was still a fairly decent match that got more exciting as it went on, however the end result was way off what I was expecting.... Brock Lesnar hit the Undertaker with a third F5 and the streak is over.... I am lost for words. I never dreamt this would happen. Brock Lesnar has ended the Undertakers unbeaten WrestleMania streak.

Winner via pinfall: Brock Lesnar - 7/10

After the match a weary Undertaker gets to his feet and slowly makes his way backstage to a rapturous applause.

Vicki Guererro Invitational Divas Championship Match

AJ Lee (c) v Natalya v Tamina v Brie Bella v Nikki Bella v Naomi v Cameron v Layla v Eva Marie v Emma v Alicia Fox v Summer Rae v Aksana v Rosa Mendes

This was actually a decent match with some good moves, notably from Natalya, Layla & Tamina among others, but the match wasn't helped by having followed the previous match. However AJ hooked Naomi in her Black Widow move leading to Naomi tapping out.

Winner via submission and still Divas Champion: AJ Lee - 6/10

Backstage Mean Gene Okerlund is joined by Hulk Hogan, they are soon interrupted by Rowdy Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff! They talk about the main event at the very first WrestleMania, Orndorff talks about how he has had to live with being the one who lost the match. Mr. T then appears and even the original referee Pat Patterson! Hogan suggest they bury the hatchet and put it behind them, which they do as all 4 men shakes hands - begrudgingly in Pipers case!

We are then introduced to some Hall of Famers sat at ringside! Bruno Sammartino, Harley Race, Bob Backlund & Bret Hart!

Triple Threat Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton (c) v Batista v Daniel Bryan

A promising opening start however the crowd are still visibly stunned by what went on earlier, Bryan began to gain advantage but Stephanie & Triple H enter the arena, Triple H pulls out the ref and he is replaced by Scott Armstrong, however that proves temporarily as Bryan takes out Armstrong, Triple H & Stephanie as all 3 are led backstage. Orton & Batista then seemingly begin to work together to take out Bryan. Bryan is then Batista-Bombed/RKO'd through the announce table. At this point the medics arrive to tend to Daniel Bryan as Batista works away at Orton. The action resumes in the ring between the two, as Bryan, wearing a neck brace, is stretchered away, however he doesn't get very far as Bryan struggles free gets involved in the action once more. Orton & Batista have some very close counts but it's Daniel Bryan who gets Batista in the Yes Lock and he makes Batista tap out and we have a new champion!!

Winner via pinfall and NEW WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: Daniel Bryan - 9/10

The show comes to a close as Daniel Bryan celebrates in the ring holding both belts proudly!

Overall comments: Wow! What an emotionally draining night. Whilst Daniel Bryan winning the WWE title is the big point, the Undertaker losing his streak is the big story here. I'll get my thoughts on that out of the way now! I never dreamt in a millions years that the Undertaker was going to lose at WrestleMania. I figured he would always remain unbeaten, he would retire unbeaten. If he were to get best it would be by someone who would go on to legendary status, now I'm taking nothing away from Lesnar, but I never dreamt he would be the man to break the streak. Surely they have some massive plans for Brock in the coming 12 months. Because with a win like that, it will be talked about and hyped for months to come. This match really took the wind out of the sails of the crowd and I felt sorry for the Divas having to follow that as they put together a good match but the crowd was just in shock. Great booking and work in the main event though to get the crowd back on side and alive again with some very neat spots and Daniel Bryan winning hopefully signals a new era in the WWE. The night started superbly and looked like the new generation of superstars were going to dominate, Bryan beating Triple H, before the Shield dominated their match. Cesaro - a surprise entrant in the battle royal provided the WrestleMania moment when body-slamming Big Show over the top to win and he too will surely get a massive push now. All that was missing tonight was a Bray Wyatt win. He really needed that and that's the one mistake they made in my opinion. Still nonetheless Bray come over superbly and he too will have a massive 12 months ahead. Delighted that AJ retained her title. The Divas did very well in tough conditions. All in all one of the better WrestleMania's we have seen for a long while that had a little bit of everything and huge congratulations to the booking team for making some really big decisions.

Match of the Night: Tough one to call but for sheer enjoyment value and for how it got the crowd back inside I'll go with the Main Event of Daniel Bryan/Batista/Randy Orton for the WWE Title

Overall Show Rating: 9/10

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