Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Tonight we are live from Birmingham, Alabama. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

This weeks Raw is dedicated to the Ultimate Warrior, who sadly passed away last week.

The show opens as the WWE Superstars are lined together on the stage before a video package airs with comments from various Superstars to highlight the impact of the Ultimate Warrior.

We then have a 10 bell salute for Warrior, with some visibly upset Superstars. Warriors music plays as Triple H leads a chant of Warrior.

We then head to Michael Cole, JBL & Jerry Lawler to start the show as he confirms we will see some memorable Ultimate Warrior moments. Whilst tonight we will also see some in-ring action - including the start of a number 1 contenders tournament for the Intercontinental title!

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Round 1

Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam

The opening match of the tournament begins with the Intercontinental Champion, Big E looking on. A great opening match as momentum swings both ways, RVD gets the upper hand and hits the 5-star frog splash for the win as he advances to face the winner of Cesaro/Mark Henry

Winner via pinfall: Rob Van Dam - 6/10

Next we look back to last weeks Raw, as we look at what went down between Daniel Bryan & the Authority.

Backstage we see Triple H & Stephanie talking & are then joined by Randy Orton & Batista.

We are then treated to our first Ultimate Warrior moment, as we look back to Summerslam 88 as the Ultimate Warrior faced the Honky Tonk Man for the Intercontinental title, a match in which the Warrior won.

We return from a break to rejoin Triple H, Stephanie, Batista & Randy Orton. Triple H explains that although both men want a title shot, Daniel Bryan won't actually be there tonight, but they have a bigger problem in the Shield. Triple reaffirms his point that if the three of them stick together then nobody can stop them, but both Orton & Batista declare they are only interested in becoming WWE World Champion.

Rybaxel vs The Rhodes Brothers

Another good tag team match from a ever growing tag team division and the good run of form continues for Rybaxel as Ryback picks up the pinfall over Cody Rhodes.

Winners via pinfall: Ryback - 6/10

Another promo then airs for Bo Dallas, before we are treated to a Divas match.

WWE Divas Champion Paige vs Alicia Fox

The new Divas champ contests her first match on Raw since winning the title, Fox enjoys the early exchange, but Paige turns it around as she hooks Fox in a submission move as Fox taps out.

Winner via submission: Paige - 5/10

WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos vs Randy Orton & Batista

A rematch from last weeks Raw, a fight breaks out as the match starts, Orton & Jey then begin the action in-ring. Batista & Orton dominate the early exchange, as Orton & Jimmy battle outside, however the Shield appear & attack Orton to cause the DQ, as they then go for Batista, as both Orton & Batista eventually both retreat.

Winners via DQ: Batista & Randy Orton - 6/10

A nice touch from the Usos who come out in Ultimate Warrior shirts with the Warrior face paint, Jimmy having half on the left and Jey the other half on the right, clearly both men inspired by Warrior.

We then see another Ultimate Moment as we watch a video highlight of the WrestleMania VI match in which Warrior beat Hulk Hogan for the WWE title.

Backstage we see Orton & Batista walking through the corridor as Triple H approaches them and simply says "I Told You"

Paul Heyman comes out and reminds that Brock Lesnar conquered the Undertakers streak and he reminds us several times. We then see a selection of photos from WrestleMania and Brock victorious, he then introduces his latest client, the King of Swing Cesaro

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Round 1

Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) vs Mark Henry

Henry comes out in a Warrior t-shirt also, eventually him & Cesaro lock up. Henry enjoys the early exchange as he uses his strength, but Cesaro turns it around using his in-ring ability and then hits the neutraliser on Henry for the win to advance & face RVD in the semi-final

Winner via pinfall: Cesaro - 5/10

Backstage we see Triple H & Stephanie talking to Raw GM Brad Maddox, Triple H tells Maddox to find the Shield and tell them they have a match in the main event tonight, but he doesn't say who against.

Lana is then introduced to the stage as she in turn introduces Alexander Rusev.

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) vs Xavier Woods (with R Truth)

Another squash match for Rusev as he hooks Woods in his "Accolade" submission move as Woods then taps out.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 4/10

Another Ultimate Moment next as we re-cap the cage match between Warrior & Rick Rude for the WWE title at Summerslam 90 in which Warrior successfully defended his title.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Round 1

Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) vs Sheamus

A physical match follows between the two but Swagger gets caught by Sheamus' brogue kick as Sheamus advances & will face the winner of Bad News Barrett/Dolph Ziggler

Winner via pinfall: Sheamus - 6/10

A promo then airs for Adam Rose

We return from the break to see Damien Sandow in the ring, he has the mic & tells us that he is the most deserving person in the WWE, the Big Show's music hits and he makes his way to ring, but Sandow says he won't be silenced and everyone will have to listen while he gets something off his chest, Sandow claims he deserves the WWE Universe's support & backing, he tells Big Show that he deserves the support and respect, however Big Show then delivers a knock out punch and leaves the ring.

Next the Wyatt Family make their way to the ring. Bray grabs the mic, he speaks about society in general, how we see what people want us to see. Bray says he has a thousand names and that he has never lied to the WWE Universe, but that John Cena has. Bray promises that he won't let Cena lie to them anymore and claims to have Cena right where he wants him. Bray then calls out Cena, who makes his way to the stage. Cena says he wants to have fun tonight & questions why the Wyatt Family are always so serious. Cena then claims to have found Sister Abigail! A photo then appears on the screen, which is clearly Bray mocked up as a girl. Cena then claims to have find the mother, which is a mocked up photo of Luke Harper. Finally he claims to have found a new member of the family, which is a mocked up photo of a baby & Erick Rowan. Wyatt retaliates by stating that whenever Cena has a serious threat up against him, he just makes a joke of it. Cena says that when he gets serious, it involves him winning. Cena then issues a challenge to Bray and says at Extreme Rules he wants to face Bray inside a steel cage! Bray says he likes that and he seemingly accepts his challenge!

Santino Marella & Emma vs Fandango & Layla

Fandango & Santino begin the match for their respective teams, Layla is then tagged in as she & Emma then go at it and before long, Emma gets caught as Layla gets the pinfall.

Winner via pinfall: Fandango & Layla - 3/10

Backstage Stephanie is talking to Kane and tells him he is letting his personal feelings get too involved. Stephanie then rips into Kane and calls him pathetic and claims he is a shell of himself, which only served to anger Kane. The mask of Kane is then shown inside a glass box, which Kane states at and then removes, he holds it up to Stephanie and promises to send Daniel Bryan to the depths of hell.

We are then reminded about Warrior week on the WWE Network, as we look back to last week at the Warriors appearance on Raw, which was of course to be his last appearance.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Round 1

Dolph Ziggler vs Bad News Barrett

A good match between the two former Intercontinental Champions. Ziggler gaining some very close pinfalls, but Barrett's resilience saw him turn the momentum and he hit Ziggler with the BullHammer to gain the pinfall and advance to face Sheamus

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 7/10

After the match Barrett says he has some "Bad News." He claims that he will be the next Intercontinental Champion

This was a great match between two great stars, this Bad News Barrett gimmick is really starting to pay off and evolve, he's a great performer and if he stays injury free then he could be in line for a big run in the future. Ziggler on the other hand has been on a terrible run since WrestleMania. I can't help but think he needs a new gimmick/manager/partner. He's too good a performer to let slide away to lower card level but he needs something to redevelop himself.

A video now airs to re-cap the "Monster" side of Kane that Stephanie asked him to show - A proper look at the Big Red Machine.

The next match is our main event and it features The Shield versus mystery opponents, The Shield enter the ring and await, Alberto Del Rio is first out, followed by Jack Swagger, Fandango, 3MB, Titus O'Neil, Rybaxel, Alexander Rusev & Bad News Barrett in a 11-3 Handicap match!

11-3 Handicap Match

The Shield vs Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Fandango, 3MB, Titus O'Neil, Rybaxel, Alexander Rusev & Bad News Barrett

Seth Rollins & Heath Slater kick things off for their respective teams, Rollins soon gets cornered and is in trouble as the team of 11 make frequent tags, Titus & Ryback particularly impressive, the fight descends to the ringside and a fight breaks out between all 14 men and the Ref calls for the bell. The 14 Superstars continues to fight as it makes it's way back into the ring, The Shield then take a proper beating from the 11 Superstars they faced tonight, before the Evolution music hits and out come Triple H, Batista & Randy Orton. They make their way to the ring and Triple H orders everyone out, as Evolution begin to beat on the Shield. Triple H then grabs the mic, and taunts Reigns & tells him to "Believe Evolution" before hitting a pedigree on him. Evolution then celebrate as the show comes to a close.

No Contest - 6/10

I have to say, the reforming of Evolution is a genuis idea and this feud with The Shield could seriously become the best feud the WWE has produced for years. If your not excited at this prospect then you are not easily pleased!

Overall comments: Firstly and most importantly I just want to reiterate again how sad a loss the Ultimate Warrior is and how our thoughts and prayers continue to be with his wife & 2 daughters. There was a nice touch to Raw tonight, the opening tribute was touching and I think the whole of Raw played out the way Warrior would have wanted - focusing on the guys of today. He was a big advocate of people stepping down when their time was clearly done and letting the new guys make their mark, he spoke about this during his last few days at both the HOF & in part with his speech on Raw last week. I just want to say thank you for the memories Ultimate Warrior. You were my childhood hero & the reason why I have such a passion about the WWE today.

As for the show itself, I was delighted a proper, genuine focus was placed upon the Intercontinental Title, a proper tournament that wasn't rushed through in one night, a great move and it rightly made sure that a focus is now back on the IC title. The other matches on the card were good, really impressed by Rybaxel lately, I've said before they to me are a modern day Hart Foundation - the technical ability if Curtis Axel & the brute strength of Ryback - much like Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart in the day. They pull off a good match and I hope their push continues. Good to see a decent Divas match again, so many great Divas around lately, it deserves some real attention.

As mentioned above the reformation of Evolution is a brilliant move and one that works for Orton & Batista now, they are an awesome trio (part of me hopes Ric Flair might come back!) and the prospect of a Evolution/Shield feud excites me, more than the Shield/Wyatt's feud if that's even possible!

Overall a very decent show, set with the right tone.

Overall Show Rating: 9/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Welcome to this weeks edition of Superstars. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

Dolph Ziggler vs Ryback (with Curtis Axel)

A good match between the two, Ryback looking solid despite Ziggler's best efforts, the numbers game played effect though as Axel distracted Ziggler allowing Ryback to get the win.

Winner via pinfall: Ryback - 7/10

Kofi Kingston vs Titus O'Neil

Titus started the match very brightly & looked dominant, however Kofi gained the momentum, but Titus turned it around after a knee injury hampered Kofi, as Titus hit the Clash of the Titus to claim the victory.

Winner via pinfall: Titus O'Neil - 6/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Welcome to Smackdown! Live from Cajundome, LA.

Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

The Big Show vs Cesaro (with Paul Heyman)

Big Show & Cesaro hook up as Heyman joins the team on commentary. A good match follows between the two, Cesaro attempts to put Show in the swing, but out of nowhere Jack Swagger arrives and hooks Cesaro in the ankle lock causing the DQ. Big Show then gets rid of Swagger, angry that he cost him the match. But Cesaro then attacks Big Show again and hits him with the neutralizer!

Winner via DQ: Cesaro - 6/10

We return from the break to see John Cena making his way to the ring. Cena talks about all that happened at WrestleMania and then puts over the new up-coming stars in the WWE & declares that he is the one that anyone must go through to get to the top. The Wyatt Family then appear on the screen. Bray talks about his loss to Cena and declares that he hasn't finished with him yet.

Michael Cole then reveals that tonight Daniel Bryan & the Usos will face Randy Orton, Batista & Kane, before looking at the press reaction to the Undertakers loss to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania.

Los Matadores (with El Torito) vs Rybaxel

Ryback & Curtis Axel gain an impressive victory over Los Matadores as Axel gets the 3-count over Diego.

Winners via pinfall: Rybaxel - 6/10

Damien Sandow vs Rob Van Dam

A rematch from Monday's Raw as Sandow looks to end his awful run of form and gain revenge over RVD. A better effort from Sandow in this match, much more on the offensive, however the end result is the same as RVD hits the 5 Star Frog Splash for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Rob Van Dam - 6/10

Hulk Hogan is introduced next as he makes his way to the ring. Hogan talks about WM & his favourite WM moment as he saw Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Championship. Hogan then introduces the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan, who makes his way to the ring. Bryan talks about how great things are lately having won the title, getting married soon & now sharing the ring with Hulk Hogan. Bryan puts over how when he was a child he idolised Hulk Hogan and the effect he had on him as a child. Bryan says there is one more thing that can make his week, as he requests that Hogan does his routine pose down with him. The two then share the pose down in what proves to be a nice genuine moment between the two.

Next up after the break Bad News Barrett is in action!

Kofi Kingston vs Bad News Barrett

Barrett's second match back results in victory as he claims the victory over Kofi.

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 5/10

Santino Marella (with Emma) vs Fandango (with Layla)

After the public dumping of Summer Rae by Fandango over Twitter, Layla now seems to be Fandango's new dance partner. Santino starts brightly and goes for his "Cobra" but Layla snatched it from him, allowing Fandango to roll Santino up for the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Fandango - 5/10

We then look back to Raw on Monday where Paige defeated AJ Lee for the Divas Championship.

Oddly they then show the Rey Mysterio/Bad News Barrett match from Raw

We then see a promo for Adam Rose & his impending debut.

We then recap what happened on Raw between Triple H & the Authority & The Shield & Daniel Bryan, before re-capping what the Shield had to say on Main Event this week.

Backstage we join Batista, Randy Orton & Kane. Kane tells Orton & Batista that they will have to stick together & put aside their personal differences as they all work for a "higher power"

WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos & WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan vs Kane, Batista & Randy Orton

Batista & Jey starts things off for their respective teams. Both teams gain the upper hand before the match descends outside as Kane & Bryan fight out of the ring, before Batista & Orton join them, leading to the Usos taking them all out, which leads to a double count-out. The fight continues outside when the Shield appear and attack Kane. Batista & Orton retreat and as Kane attempts to hit the Shield with a steel chair, Daniel Bryan makes the save. Bryan & the Shield celebrate in the ring as Batista & Orton look on as the show comes to a close.

Double count-out - 7/10

Overall comments: A good edition of Smackdown that wasn't littered with Raw repeats & had more emphasis on the matches which is only ever good! Smackdown does a very good job of building the continuing storylines in-ring.

Of course Raw this week will be dedicated to the Ultimate Warrior, which promises to be an emotional night.

Overall Show Rating: 7/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Summer who??

"Summer time is over" Fandango competed on this weeks Smackdown and revealed that Layla is his new "Dance Partner" as Summer Rae is a thing of the past. Byron Saxton caught up with Fandango & Layla on this weeks Smackdown Fallout!


Welcome to this weeks edition of NXT. Remember to click on the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube Channel.

Adam Rose vs Danny Burch

The Adam Rose experience is in full effect as Rose hits the big splash for the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Adam Rose - 5/10

Bailey vs Sasha Banks (with Charlotte)

Sasha enjoyed the early exchange in the match, before Bailey made her way back into the match before hitting the "Bailey to Belly" suplex for the 3-count.

Winner via pinfall: Bailey - 6/10

Sylvester LeFort vs Mojo Rawley

A very quick match after a warrior-esq entrance. Mojo soon hit the Hyper Drive to get the win.

Winner via pinfall: Mojo Rawley - 4/10

After the match Brodus Clay makes his way to the ring and powerbombs LeFort & then beats upon him a little more before grabbing the mic & he registers his displeasure at the attention NXT Champion Adrian Neville has been getting & how he believes he is the main event player, not Neville. Clay calls Neville out, to which the Geordie responds to. Neville tells Clay that all he hears him do is complain. The two face up to each other before Clay then leaves the ring and walks backstage.

Next Bo Dallas makes his way to the ring for a "special announcement" Bo talks about how he believes it is still "Bo Time" Bo then mentions how Daniel Bryan occupied Raw and ended with a title shot and reveals he intends to do the same tonight with the "Bo Movement" and occupy NXT. However it fails big time as nobody is interested, seems there are not many Bo-Lievers in the crowd! Bo complains in the ring before NXT general manager, JBL makes his way to the entrance & ridicules Bo Dallas and his occupy NXT attempt. JBL says he won't be getting a title match tonight but as he is ready to fight, he can instead face Justin Gabriel!

Bo Dallas vs Justin Gabriel

Good to see Justin Gabriel back on tv and he produces a great match with Bo, a great encounter between the two and it's Bo that comes out on top after a double hook DDT.

Winner via pinfall: Bo Dallas - 6/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.

Welcome to this weeks edition of NXT. Remember to click on the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube Channel.

Adam Rose vs Danny Burch

The Adam Rose experience is in full effect as Rose hits the big splash for the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Adam Rose - 5/10

Bayley vs Sasha Banks (with Charlotte)

Sasha enjoyed the early exchange in the match, before Bayley made her way back into the match before hitting the "Bayley to Belly" suplex for the 3-count.

Winner via pinfall: Bayley - 6/10

Sylvester LeFort vs Mojo Rawley

A very quick match after a warrior-esq entrance. Mojo soon hit the Hyper Drive to get the win.

Winner via pinfall: Mojo Rawley - 4/10

After the match Brodus Clay makes his way to the ring and powerbombs LeFort & then beats upon him a little more before grabbing the mic & he registers his displeasure at the attention NXT Champion Adrian Neville has been getting & how he believes he is the main event player, not Neville. Clay calls Neville out, to which the Geordie responds to. Neville tells Clay that all he hears him do is complain. The two face up to each other before Clay then leaves the ring and walks backstage.

Next Bo Dallas makes his way to the ring for a "special announcement" Bo talks about how he believes it is still "Bo Time" Bo then mentions how Daniel Bryan occupied Raw and ended with a title shot and reveals he intends to do the same tonight with the "Bo Movement" and occupy NXT. However it fails big time as nobody is interested, seems there are not many Bo-Lievers in the crowd! Bo complains in the ring before NXT general manager, JBL makes his way to the entrance & ridicules Bo Dallas and his occupy NXT attempt. JBL says he won't be getting a title match tonight but as he is ready to fight, he can instead face Justin Gabriel!

Bo Dallas vs Justin Gabriel

Good to see Justin Gabriel back on tv and he produces a great match with Bo, a great encounter between the two and it's Bo that comes out on top after a double hook DDT.

Winner via pinfall: Bo Dallas - 6/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.

A picture that sums up WrestleMania weekend. Vince McMahon with the Ultimate Warrior at Raw this past Monday.

Today I woke to one of the most heartbreaking stories in the wrestling world. The Ultimate Warrior, my childhood hero, the man who got me hooked on the WWE has sadly passed away.

At first when I saw the news my initial reaction was that it was a hoax - I mean I'd literally just watched him give an awe-inspiring speech having made his return to Monday Night Raw this week, having got inducted to the WWE Hall of Fame Saturday night (see my Hall of Fame tribute I posted a month or so ago) and then being paraded at WrestleMania 30. But soon WWE Superstars began to tweet their respects and reality sunk in - kind of anyway.

The Ultimate Warrior was my childhood hero. He got me hooked on wrestling, I worshipped this man. He was full of intensity and everyone I knew that loved wrestling, wanted to be this man. So to hear of his death, is very hard to accept. Especially having seen him so prominently feature in the WWE in the last 7 days. It just makes it so much harder to accept. However I do take a little comfort that he was able to have that oppurtunity to have his career properly recognised and highlighted. The fact he was able to have his wife and 2 kids attend the Hall of Fame ceremony, he clearly loved his family and it was clear it meant the world to him having had them there. The fact he was able to deliver a touching speech, in which you could tell his genuine love & passion for the business & the WWE and you sensed a genuine relief that he had patched things up and was a part of the WWE once more. He was genuinely honoured to be inducted into the Hall of Fame and have the fans chant his name once more. The fact he was a part of WrestleMania 30 and paraded to the fans. Having not been with the WWE since 1996. It was an emotional moment, the warrior had come home. The following night on Monday night Raw he made an appearance, making a poignant speech that will live long forever as being his last public appearance. It makes me happy knowing he got the reception he did and to have the New Orleans crowd chant his name. I am happy that he was able to have that oppurtunity.

But that doesn't make his death any easier. I was genuinely excited about the role Warrior was going to play in the WWE in his ambassadorial role and he seemed genuinely keen to inspire the younger generation. Sadly he won't be able to do that. But scrolling through Twitter this morning, reading many various tweets, particularly from WWE superstars & staff, it was evidently clear to me just what an impact the Warrior made on today's superstars. He inspired many of today's Superstars and they got hooked on wrestling because of him, just like me.

It's only been the last 7 days that I've really appreciated just how well respected he was within the business. The Warrior was a passionate man, who cared about the business & it's future and cared deeply about his family. We can only send our thoughts, prayers & condolences to his family. Whilst the Warrior is now gone, his legacy will live on, even more prominently now, as there will be sooo many tributes in the coming days and weeks. Raw on Monday will inevitably be emotional and I'm certain that he will have a more than suitable tribute. It's been a whirlwind few days of extreme highs to the lowest of lows. I will never forget the Ultimate Warrior, he was my hero, an icon, a legend and irreplaceable and will forever be remembered.

I could spend ages paying tribute to him. If you want a snapshot of his career please feel free to check my article on his Hall of Fame Induction

But for now I'm just going to leave a selection of tweets for you to read from WWE Superstars & fans alike, who paid their tribute to the Ultimate Warrior.


Bad News Barrett is back!

After months of delivering bad news, Bad News Barrett made a competitive return to action as he defeated Rey Mysterio on Raw! Here what he had to say to Byron Saxton on this weeks Raw Fallout!

Rob Van Dam returns to Raw!

After a few months away, Rob Van Dam made his return to the WWE by defeating Damien Sandow. Afterwards he caught up with Renee Young on this weeks Raw Fallout!

The new Paul Heyman guy!

Cesaro shocked the world on Raw when he cut his ties with manager Zeb Colter to reveal that he now was a Paul Heyman guy! Renee caught up with Heyman & Cesaro and Heyman promised big things for the "King of Swing"

A New Divas Champion!!

NXT Women's Champion Paige shocked the world on Raw when she was offered and impromptu match with AJ Lee and ended up defeating her to become the new Divas Champion! Backstage an over-whelmed Paige is greeted by the rest of the Divas division as a mark of respect for what she had done!


Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Tonight we are live from New Orleans. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

The show begins with a video package highlighting Daniel Bryan's rise from a NXT rookie to WWE World Champion. We then join the show live as Daniel Bryan is introduced and makes his way to the ring. The crowd are very loud and a long loud chant of Daniel Bryan breaks out. Bryan thanks the fans and says that because of them he is able to stand there as WWE World Champion. Triple H's music then hits as he & Stephanie make their way to the ring, both stand on the ring apron. Triple H tells Bryan to enjoy his moment because it won't last and tonight Bryan is going to defend his title against Triple H himself, as both him & Stephanie leave.

The New WWE World Heavyweight Champion makes his way to ringside on Raw!

Michael Cole looks to tonight's show, as later we will speak to Brock Lesnar who of course broke the Undertakers streak.

We return from the break as Stephanie & Triple H are talking, Batista then joins & asks what's going on and declares he wants a rematch, Randy Orton then appears & states he is owed a rematch. Stephanie says that after tonight it will be sorted out after Raw & for now both Orton & Batista will face the Usos for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Triple H reminds them that historically that when all 3 are on the same page, nobody can stop them.

The Wyatt Family v John Cena, Sheamus & Intercontinental Champion Big E

The crowd for this match are electric and very pro Wyatt Family as every move the Wyatt Family do is cheered whilst anything Cena, Sheamus & Big E do is booed. The Wyatt Family look extremely impressive and they clean house, Bray hits the Sister Abigail on Big E for the 3-count.

Winners via pinfall: The Wyatt Family - 7/10

What a crowd atmosphere - you see that's how you make an impact at a show, their support for the Wyatt Family was immense and the entire crowd should be applauded for making the atmosphere electric and for making their feelings known on who they would rather see.

We return to see a promo for Bo Dallas who seemingly is going to making his debut on the main roster shortly.

Fandango & Summer Rae v Santino Marella & Emma

A very short lived match that barely lasts two minutes, Emma gets the win for her team, as she applies the Emma lock to Summer Rae and makes her tap out.

Winners via submission: Emma & Santino Marella - 3/10

We return from the break to be joined by the man who conquered the Undertakers streak - Brock Lesnar accompanied of course by Paul Heyman. Heyman introduces Brock as the man who broke the streak. Heyman tells the crowd that he did tell you that would happen so they shouldn't be surprised. Heyman then says he will now shoot from the hip. He speaks about how when Undertaker got back from the ring he collapsed & was taken to hospital and that Vince McMahon left WrestleMania to go with him, he adds that the Undertaker nearly had his neck broke during last nights match. Heyman notes that he is angry that the Undertaker was clapped as he left & Lesnar was booed. Heyman calls the WWE Universe a bunch of wanabee's. Heyman puts over Brock big time, citing his history in the UFC & his amateur wrestling career, comparing it to other top WWE stars who have achieved far less, calling them all wanabee's and stating that Brock Lesnar is the 1 and that Brock is the 1 in 21-1. Both men leave the ring.

The man that broke the streak - that's how Brock Lesnar will be remembered in history among his many accomplishments.

A promo then airs for Adam Rose who also will be making his debut on the main roster shortly.

WWE Tag Team Championship match

Batista & Randy Orton v The Usos (c)

The match soon descends into a fight, that makes it's way outside the ring, resulting in both teams being counted out. Both Batista & Orton then show a sign of solidarity as they get in the ring and both raise their hands

Double Count-Out - The Usos retain the WWE Tag Team Titles- 4/10

I have to admit, it was great seeing Orton & Batista on the same page as a team, seeing them both raise their hands afterwards brought back a lot of good memories.

We return from the break as Justin Roberts welcomes back Rob Van Dam for his return match.

Rob Van Dam v Damien Sandow

RVD enjoys a comfortable victory on his return to the WWE with a dominant victory over Sandow after hitting the 5star frog splash.

Winner via pinfall: Rob Van Dam - 6/10

Rey Mysterio v Bad News Barrett

Barrett makes his return to in-ring action on tv with a victory as the crowd are very pro Barrett, as he gets the 3-count.

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 6/10

Who said this whole Bad News Barrett gimmick is no good? Barrett was well over with the crowd in that match - almost as much as what the Wyatt's were earlier! He's a great performer is Barrett and he can make any angle/persona work

After the break we will see the in-ring debut on Raw of Alexander Rusev.

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) v Zack Ryder

An impressive Rusev makes short work of Ryder as he makes him tap out within a few short minutes.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 5/10

We then see a brief re-cap of Saturday's Hall of Fame induction ceremony as it is then revealed that the Ultimate Warrior will be making his return to Raw next!

I gotta say the child in me has goosebumps! The Ultimate Warrior's music hits and he makes his way to ring on Raw for the first time in nearly 20 years! I'm delighted the crowd have shown him the respect he deserves. The Warrior puts over the fans as the ones who made the Ultimate Warrior. He then says that there are many young guys in the back who have the potential to make that same impact and become legends of the wrestling world.

The Ultimate Warrior returns to Raw!!

Divas Champion AJ Lee makes her way to the ring with Tamina Snuka to talk about her win in last nights match. AJ talks about how she is the best Diva in the world and how she is the Divas Division! NXT Women's Champion Paige then interupts and makes her way to the ring. Paige says she wants to congratulate AJ, but AJ says she doesn't want her congratulations and then offers to face Paige tonight and put her Divas title on the line and orders a referee after then slapping Paige. A referee appears and the match begins.

WWE Divas Championships Match

AJ Lee (c) (with Tamina Snuka) v Paige

AJ hooks up Paige in her submission move, but Paige counters it, takes away AJ's legs and rolls AJ up for the 3-count and we have a new Divas Champion!

Winner via pinfall and NEW Divas Champion: Paige - 5/10

Hulk Hogan makes his way to ringside as he is due to present the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal Trophy to it's winner - Cesaro! Hogan talks about what an awesome WrestleMania it was and that his favourite moment was the battle royal and notes that Andre would have been proud, before he introduces the winner, Cesaro who is accompanied by Zeb Colter. Hogan congratulates Cesaro & leaves the ring. Colter then grabs the mic and tells us what sort of guy Cesaro is. Cesaro then grabs the mic and tells Colter that he isn't a Zeb Colter guy, but he is in fact a Paul Heyman guy!! Heyman then comes out and declares himself the advocate of the king of swing - Cesaro! Heyman goes to discuss how he wants the commentators to address Cesaro and Cesaro and Colter argue, before Jack Swagger rushes to the ring and attacks Cesaro and destroys the Andre the Giant memorial trophy!

We return from the break to see a match between the two!

Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) v Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

A good match between the two and both show a potential feud between the two could be a very good one, Swagger gets knocked out of the ring & Colter tells him not to return as he and Swagger walk to the backstage area as Swagger is counted out.

Winner via count out: Cesaro - 6/10

Backstage Stephanie is joined by Kane & The Shield. She tells them she doesn't care what happened last night, she wants them to ensure Triple H gets the win tonight. The Shield ask where the New Age Outlaws are. Kane retaliates but Stephanie stops them all in their tracks and tells them in no uncertain terms that tonight they all need to be on the same page to make sure Triple H gets what he wants.

Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring to face Triple H for the title but as Bryan enters the ring, Batista & Randy Orton run to the ring and attack Bryan, Kane's music then hits and he makes his way to the ring and seemingly orders both men out of the ring before choke slamming Bryan himself! Triple H then enters ready for the match accompanied by Stephanie. Triple H then orders the start of the match. The Shields music then hits as they make their way to the ring.

Kane, Batista & Orton stand on one side of the apron with the Shield on the other, all 6 men enter the ring with Triple H trying to act as peace maker. Reigns then spears Triple H and a fight breaks out as the Shield clear the ring!

The Shield then surround Triple H and then out of nowhere Daniel Bryan hits Triple H with a running knee! The show closes as Daniel Bryan and the Shield celebrate in the ring.

Triple H acts as peacemaker but his efforts were in vain!

Overall comments: What an awesome edition of Raw, as to be expected now post WrestleMania! Seriously this was a superb edition with some superb matches and I will argue with anyone who says the current WWE product is not good. It's as good as it has been for over 10 years in my opinion. There is a real genuine feeling of a new era dawning and first a foremost those down at NXT must be congratulated for making the WWE as strong as it is today. They are developing world class stars down there and we are reaping the benefits of their hard work. So well done! The crowd were awesome - New Orleans please take a pat on the back. You were superb. If Raw crowds were like this every week - well we'd be in for a heck of a show. The energy towards the Wyatt Family was immense and in my opinion proved the WWE no longer need to rely on the likes of John Cena. There are new stars emerging. Paul Heymans promo was superb. Nobody could have delivered it better and what he said rung some serious truths. I expect Brock to be or have held the WWE title within 12 months. Great seeing RVD back as well as Bad News Barrett. Big big night for Paige as she snatched the Divas title from AJ Lee. That will send massive shock waves through the Divas division. The whole Cesaro swerve was executed perfectly and there couldn't of been anyone who saw that coming - quite superb and brilliant news for Cesaro. I'm liking that managers are beginning to play an important role again. Just need a few more to help some key superstars on the roster. The apparent reformation of Evolution I like very much, Batista & Randy Orton are great together and I really think they are going to prove key in the imminent future with Daniel Bryan. Add the Shield into that mix and we've got ourselves a great feud building here. What great times it is and what a great, great show. Well done!

Match of the Night: The opening contest between the Wyatt's against Cena/Sheamus/Big E is my pick. It was great match wrestling wise that was made 10x better by the crowd!

Overall Show Rating: 10/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Welcome to WrestleMania 30!! Live from New Orleans!

Kick Off Show

Fatal 4-Way Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships

The Usos (c) v Rybaxel v Los Matadores (with El Torito) v The Real Americans (with Zeb Colter)

The tag titles are on the line in this opening bout on the Pre-Show and the match will be an elimination match. Some good spots early on & despite Los Matadores cleaning house, they are soon eliminated as Swagger makes Fernando tap out to the Patriot Lock.

Los Matadores eliminated

The Usos are nearly eliminated with a few very close pinfalls but it's Rybaxel who are gone next as Cesaro hits the neutraliser on Ryback to eliminate them.

Rybaxel eliminated.

Two Teams remain and the Real Americans look like stealing a march on the champions, but there is some decension between Swagger & Cesaro leading to the Usos gaining the 3-count

Winners via pinfall and still WWE Tag Team Champions: The Usos - 7/10

Main Show

Here we go!!! This is it!! We begin the show proper as the host of WrestleMania 30, Hulk Hogan is introduced and makes his way to the ring. Hogan recounts his WrestleMania moments and how excited he is. Making a little mistake in saying how happy he is to be in the Silverdome which was the WrestleMania 3 venue! We then hear the glass shatter and it means only one thing! Stone Cold Steve Austin!! Austin makes his way to the ring. Austin asks the crowd if they want him to open a can of whoop-ass on Hogan to give him a hell yeah! Which they duly respond with. Austin then puts over Hogan and all he has achieved at WrestleMania & says how much respect he has for him. Austin then adds that tonight is about the current crop of stars to make their impact - at which point the Rock's music hits and he makes his way to ringside!! The Rock & Austin exchange a quick hug as a sign of mutual respect. All 3 men seem to be enjoying the atmosphere. The Rock adds that all 3 men have left their mark for the wrestlers of today to do what they do. The Rock then puts over all 3 men as all 3 men finish off with their signature catchphrase. Austin then calls from some beer as the 3 men sink some beer in the ring!

Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler & JBL look at our opening match which is Daniel Bryan v Triple H.

Justin Roberts then introduces Stephanie McMahon, who then introduces her husband, the COO of the WWE and Daniel Bryan's opponent - Triple H. His entrance is quite awesome, something from a Conan the Barbarian movie. Daniel Bryan then makes his way down for our opening bout.

Triple H (with Stephanie McMahon) v Daniel Bryan

A awesome opening match to the show, so many near falls with momentum swinging both ways. Triple got a very close 3 count after a pedigree and as he went to hit it a second time later on, Daniel Bryan countered, hit the running knee and gained the 3-count for the win and he will now face Randy Orton & Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Title tonight!

Winner via pinfall: Daniel Bryan - 9/10

After the match Stephanie got in the ring and proceeded to slap Bryan before Triple H attacked Bryan from behind and did further damage to his arm/shoulder by hitting if with a steel chair.

The New Age Outlaws & Kane v The Shield

Dean Ambrose & Kane start things off. The match soon descends into an all out brawl, The Shield clean house, then deliver a double powerbomb on the Outlaws & the match is over in a matter of minutes.

Winners via pinfall: The Shield - 4/10

Backstage we see Sgt Slaughter & Hacksaw Jim Duggan plugging the Slam City Toyline, then are soon joined by Ricky Steamboat & Ted DiBiase & Ron Simmons.

30 Man Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

All 30 men battle it out in the ring, Yoshi Tatsu is first gone, followed by Brad Maddox. Sadly my pick, Alexander Rusev was not one of the 30. The ring begins to clear a little as a few more get eliminated, most notably at this point, Mark Henry. We get down to a final 8 of Del Rio, Sheamus, Kingston, Big Show, Cody, Cesaro, Rey Mysterio & Ziggler. Cody is next to go. Followed by Mysterio as we are down to 6. Kingston goes next as we are down to 5, before Ziggler is eliminated leaving us with Del Rio, Sheamus, Big Show & Cesaro. Sheamus & Del Rio tangle & end up eliminating each other. Big Show & Cesaro lock up, both men nearly eliminated but here comes your WrestleMania moment... Cesaro picks up the Big Show and body slams him over the top rope!! Cesaro is your winner!

Winner of the Andre the Giant Battle Royal: Cesaro - 7/10

Next up will be John Cena against Bray Wyatt as we see a video to build up to this match.

We return live to see another awesome entrance, this time from Bray Wyatt as Mark Crozer and his band perform Live in Fear live!

Bray Wyatt (with Erick Rowan & Luke Harper) v John Cena

An intriguing match in which Wyatt seemed to dominate the mind games and pushed Cena to the limits, Bray brought a chair into the ring and goaded Cena into using it, however he did, he hit the AA and got the pinfall.

Winner via pinfall: John Cena - 7/10

We then look back at last nights Hall of Fame ceremony. Howard Finkell then introduces all 7 inductees as they appear at the top of the stage. Congratulations Jake Roberts, Mr. T, Paul Bearer (represented by his sons), Carlos Colon, Lita, Razor Ramon & the Ultimate Warrior who comes out to his signature music! (I will admit I half expected him to come out in full gear and face paint but alas it was not to be!) A great moment none the less!

A video then airs to promote our next match! It's time for the Streak!

Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) v The Undertaker

Not quite the match I expected, but it was still a fairly decent match that got more exciting as it went on, however the end result was way off what I was expecting.... Brock Lesnar hit the Undertaker with a third F5 and the streak is over.... I am lost for words. I never dreamt this would happen. Brock Lesnar has ended the Undertakers unbeaten WrestleMania streak.

Winner via pinfall: Brock Lesnar - 7/10

After the match a weary Undertaker gets to his feet and slowly makes his way backstage to a rapturous applause.

Vicki Guererro Invitational Divas Championship Match

AJ Lee (c) v Natalya v Tamina v Brie Bella v Nikki Bella v Naomi v Cameron v Layla v Eva Marie v Emma v Alicia Fox v Summer Rae v Aksana v Rosa Mendes

This was actually a decent match with some good moves, notably from Natalya, Layla & Tamina among others, but the match wasn't helped by having followed the previous match. However AJ hooked Naomi in her Black Widow move leading to Naomi tapping out.

Winner via submission and still Divas Champion: AJ Lee - 6/10

Backstage Mean Gene Okerlund is joined by Hulk Hogan, they are soon interrupted by Rowdy Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff! They talk about the main event at the very first WrestleMania, Orndorff talks about how he has had to live with being the one who lost the match. Mr. T then appears and even the original referee Pat Patterson! Hogan suggest they bury the hatchet and put it behind them, which they do as all 4 men shakes hands - begrudgingly in Pipers case!

We are then introduced to some Hall of Famers sat at ringside! Bruno Sammartino, Harley Race, Bob Backlund & Bret Hart!

Triple Threat Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton (c) v Batista v Daniel Bryan

A promising opening start however the crowd are still visibly stunned by what went on earlier, Bryan began to gain advantage but Stephanie & Triple H enter the arena, Triple H pulls out the ref and he is replaced by Scott Armstrong, however that proves temporarily as Bryan takes out Armstrong, Triple H & Stephanie as all 3 are led backstage. Orton & Batista then seemingly begin to work together to take out Bryan. Bryan is then Batista-Bombed/RKO'd through the announce table. At this point the medics arrive to tend to Daniel Bryan as Batista works away at Orton. The action resumes in the ring between the two, as Bryan, wearing a neck brace, is stretchered away, however he doesn't get very far as Bryan struggles free gets involved in the action once more. Orton & Batista have some very close counts but it's Daniel Bryan who gets Batista in the Yes Lock and he makes Batista tap out and we have a new champion!!

Winner via pinfall and NEW WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: Daniel Bryan - 9/10

The show comes to a close as Daniel Bryan celebrates in the ring holding both belts proudly!

Overall comments: Wow! What an emotionally draining night. Whilst Daniel Bryan winning the WWE title is the big point, the Undertaker losing his streak is the big story here. I'll get my thoughts on that out of the way now! I never dreamt in a millions years that the Undertaker was going to lose at WrestleMania. I figured he would always remain unbeaten, he would retire unbeaten. If he were to get best it would be by someone who would go on to legendary status, now I'm taking nothing away from Lesnar, but I never dreamt he would be the man to break the streak. Surely they have some massive plans for Brock in the coming 12 months. Because with a win like that, it will be talked about and hyped for months to come. This match really took the wind out of the sails of the crowd and I felt sorry for the Divas having to follow that as they put together a good match but the crowd was just in shock. Great booking and work in the main event though to get the crowd back on side and alive again with some very neat spots and Daniel Bryan winning hopefully signals a new era in the WWE. The night started superbly and looked like the new generation of superstars were going to dominate, Bryan beating Triple H, before the Shield dominated their match. Cesaro - a surprise entrant in the battle royal provided the WrestleMania moment when body-slamming Big Show over the top to win and he too will surely get a massive push now. All that was missing tonight was a Bray Wyatt win. He really needed that and that's the one mistake they made in my opinion. Still nonetheless Bray come over superbly and he too will have a massive 12 months ahead. Delighted that AJ retained her title. The Divas did very well in tough conditions. All in all one of the better WrestleMania's we have seen for a long while that had a little bit of everything and huge congratulations to the booking team for making some really big decisions.

Match of the Night: Tough one to call but for sheer enjoyment value and for how it got the crowd back inside I'll go with the Main Event of Daniel Bryan/Batista/Randy Orton for the WWE Title

Overall Show Rating: 9/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Have you recovered from WrestleMania 30 yet? Nope neither have I! I've just had to sit down and watch Brock Lesnar getting the pinfall over the Undertaker. That really has and will become the top WrestleMania moment.

Still we've all had time to reflect and here is my thoughts on the aftermath as well as a selection of Tweets that caught my eye.

Firstly it was a shame that the Fatal 4-Way got bumped to pre-show because it could have been a great match, however I'm pleased the Usos got the win and keep hold of the belts.

The official opening match between Triple H & Daniel Bryan was awesome. I loved Triple H's entrance and it's moments like that and matches like this that make me wish Triple H was still active. They both put on a fantastic match and it really set the tone for the whole show.

I was slightly disappointed that the Shield vs Kane & The Outlaws didn't last long, I had visions of that being a classic. I understand time constraints etc but think there was potential missed in that match, whether Billy Gunn's minor injury impacted on that I don't know but this was a match I was highly anticipating and was a little disappointed we didn't see much of it.

The Andre Battle Royal was actually quite good when it got going. The early stages are always difficult with so many men in the ring. I was slightly surprised to see Cesaro as an entrant but when it started I was convinced that Big Show would win, even with Show & Cesaro left I was certain that Show was getting the victory, so when Cesaro body-slammed Show over the top rope to eliminate him I was pleasantly surprised and it really continued the tone for the night with the up and coming youngsters getting the victories so far.

The following match saw John Cena take on Bray Wyatt. Bray was superb throughout this match and for me carried the match and give it an interesting edge. I will admit I was hugely disappointed with the result. I didn't see the need for Cena to win, what does it do for him? Bray needed that win. Not only would it have continued the theme of the changing of the guard so to speak, but also because there had been so much build up to Bray and clearly he is a hugely popular figure right now and his persona is unique and he has the making of being a huge star, having him win would have signalled his arrival and boosted him even further. But having Cena win kind of killed that slightly. I just don't see what they can do with Cena anymore - other than a heel turn - because he has been there and done it for ages and to be honest if he is involved with the WWE title scene in the near future all it's going to do is harm those on the verge of breaking through to the very top level - like Bray, Reigns, Cesaro etc. they need to establish their own careers and feuds and not hang off the coat tails of John Cena. So yeah I'm disappointed Bray didn't win.

And so on the Streak - Lesnar vs Undertaker. I promise you that this match and it's ending will go down in history as the Ultimate WrestleMania moment. I will happily admit, not one tiny piece of me saw Brock Lesnar winning, sure I thought he'd push him far but never imagined he would be the one to break the Streak. When Brock got the 3 count I had to do a double take, I literally went blank for 4/5 seconds and then my initial reaction was that a mistake was made and it was only a two count. The reaction of the crowd was gold. I think the entire wrestling world was stunned and rightly so. Now I'm not going to go into why or why not Brock should if beat the streak, especially with Raw waiting in the wings tonight where surely there will be developments, however Brock is as good as choice of any. A up and coming youngster maybe a good choice but they would always have that tag and pressure and we've seen how quickly a wrestler can be buried if they don't live up to fans expectations. Maybe a legend like HBK or Triple H could have done it? But clearly they have plans for Brock heading forward and this win will install him as one of the most dominant forces again in the WWE and I fully expect him to have a title run within the next 12 months. It was a brave decision to do it and let's not forget the Undertaker will have decided this and nobody else. So let's just see where Raw takes us.

The crowd were still stunned in almost silence with our next match and you have to feel nothing but sympathy for the Divas involved in the title match BUT huge credit to the Divas involved, they put on a really decent match with some good spots in what was exceptionally difficult circumstances and they should be applauded. The Divas often get the short end of the stick which they don't deserve and they deserve huge, huge credit.

And so onto the main event! This proved to be a really brilliant main event and a huge amount of respect to Batista, Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan for making this match what it was. They did superbly to get the crowd alive again and into the match and credit for the way the match was worked and unfolded. The result not a surprise but nonetheless was a great feeling seeing it happen and huge congratulations to Daniel Bryan. The night was his - even though the show will probably be remembered for the Streak being beaten!

I have read a few tweets/reports that WrestleMania 30 barely made 5/10 - that's nonsense and I hope that was just raw emotion and shock from the Undertaker match talking. This was a great WrestleMania - one of the best for a long, long while and one of the better PPV's the WWE have out together for a little while. It was a brilliant event, well worked and of course there will be little nit-picks but ultimately we cannot all ever be pleased. The WWE really is in a good state and with the potential of people like Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro, Wyatt etc etc we genuinely could be entering a new golden era in the WWE and I am confident that Triple H and Steph & those around them realise that.