Welcome to Smackdown! This week from Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

Jey Uso (with Jimmy Uso) vs Curtis Axel (with Ryback)

The feud continues between the Usos & Rybaxel and it's the latter who again take the advantage as Curtis Axel hits the neck breaker and gets the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Curtis Axel - 6/10

Rybaxel are certainly being booked as a strong tag team, as both members have taken victories over the respective Usos in the last week as the tag team champions have built little or no momentum in recent weeks.

Smackdown GM Vicki Guererro is in the ring next and she would like to address the Shield and announces that the Shield will be in action against 11 other men tonight (where have we seen that before?!) Vicki then says next is time for the great debate and introduces Zeb Colter alongside Jack Swagger as well as Paul Heyman who is with Cesaro. Zeb starts by talking how he made Cesaro what he is today and wants to know why he did it. Heyman now has his turn and he simply just reiterated that his client Brock Lesnar conquered the Underdertakers undefeated streak at WrestleMania - which he repeats about 10 times. Zeb replies by saying he doesn't care about Brock Lesnar and again asks why Heyman stole Cesaro. Heyman responds by saying that Cesaro won the WrestleMania battle royal because of him. Zeb then begins to lose his cool and he begins to shove Heyman as both men are then pulled apart as we head to a break. When we return we see Cesaro & Swagger in action.

Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) vs Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

A good match between the two former partners, Cesaro & Heyman gain the early bragging rights as Cesaro gets the win.

Winner via pinfall: Cesaro - 7/10

As Cesaro & Heyman celebrate The Shield make their way to ring, and enter the ring before circling a beaten Jack Swagger (who will be a participant of handicap match against the Shield later), as the Shield attack Swagger as Roman Reigns announces that they are just getting started.

We return from the break to see Vicki Guerrero backstage on the phone to seemingly Triple H and it seems that he has given Vicki the night off and put Raw GM, Brad Maddox in charge.

Natalya vs Tamina Snuka

Natalya looked impressive in this match and got a very close count at one point, but Tamina turned it around and gained the victory.

Winner via pinfall: Tamina Snuka - 6/10

We then see 3MB backstage talking as The Shield appear and begin to take out 3MB.

We then have this weeks Raw exclusive which is the match between Alexander Rusev & Sin Cara

After the break we see the Wyatt Family making their way to the ring. A steel cage is lowered around the ring as Bray grabs the mic. Bray talks about John Cena & warns Cena that it's about time John Cena stopped underestimating him. He tells Cena that their cage match will be like a snake trapped in a box with a rat and that he has seen the future in his dreams & that one by one, everyone will follow Bray Wyatt.

Luke Harper & Erick Rowan of the Wyatt Family (with Bray Wyatt) vs The Rhodes Brothers

Cody & Goldust seemingly patched up their difficulties from Monday, or maybe not! Cody was attempting to hit Rowan with a air attack from the top rope outside the ring, but was stopped as Harper threw Goldust into the corner turnbuckle, causing Cody to be knocked off from the top and land outside the ring, which then led to Harper getting the 3-count over Goldust.

Winners via pinfall: Luke Harper & Erick Rowan - 6/10

We go backstage to see Brad Maddox on the phone, he is then soon interupted by the Shield and Maddox advises them that beating up fellow Superstars is not the way but the Shield react by attacking Maddox and throwing him against the wall before Dean Ambrose unleashes some punishment.

Santino Marella & Emma vs Fandango & Layla

As Fandango was making his way to the ring, he was attacked by the Shield, before they triple power bombed Fandango off the stage and through 2 x tables.

No Contest

Next we re-cap Kane's attack on Daniel Bryan on Raw this past Monday.

The Shield vs Ryback, Damien Sandow, Titus O'Neil, Alberto Del Rio & Bad News Barrett

The Shield enjoy the early exchange but momentum swings both ways, a mass brawl breaks out and eventually Damien Sandow is left facing the Shield and Roman Reigns hits him with the spear to get the win for his team.

Winners via pinfall: The Shield - 7/10

Overall comments: Tonight's show was ok, wouldn't say it was the best put together but there were some ok matches and it was fairly enjoyable, even though a little too much seemed to be rehashed moments like the Shield being booked in a handicap match. The highlight of the night for me was oddly the "debate". Paul Heyman is the king of promos for me but tonight I'd have to say Zeb Colter out-did him and he came across a huge deal better and more sincere, that coupled with me being bored about Brock Lesnar beating Undertakers streak! Also I'm unsure if Cesaro with Heyman is actually a good work, right now it seems like they don't know where to go with him but we shall see as it's too early to write anything off. Anyway an ok show that continued some storylines in some sense and had some fairly decent matches involved, which is what Smackdown is for me - all about proper decent wrestling matches.

Overall Show Rating: 6/10

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Welcome to this weeks edition of NXT. Remember to click on the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube Channel.

As the show starts NXT General manager JBL is seen in the corridor with WWE Divas Champion & NXT Women's Champion Paige. JBL congratulates Paige but then informs her that whilst she is busy defending the Divas title, she is neglecting the NXT Women's title and he states that it should remain regularly in NXT and informs Paige that she is being stripped of the title and a tournament will happen to crown a new champion.

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) vs Travis Tyler

Tyler gets dominated by Rusev and eventually taps out to the Accolade submission move.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 4/10

Backstage Devin Taylor is joined by Adam Rose - and his party entourage! Rose tells Camacho is a boring & a party pooper and issues Camacho a challenge.

Charlotte & Sasha Banks vs Emma & WWE Divas Champion Paige

All 4 divas give a good account and Paige suffers a minor injury to her knee, Charlotte is tagged in and much to the surprise of the NXT Universe, Charlotte gets the pinfall over the Divas Champion Paige!

Winners via pinfall: Charlotte & Sasha Banks - 6/10

Tyson Kidd vs Mason Ryan

Good match between two good performers on NXT. Tyson Kidd picks up a huge win over Mason Ryan.

Winner via pinfall: Tyson Kidd - 6/10

Angelo Dawkins vs Tyler Breeze

Tyler Breeze continues to show his new found aggressive side as he hits his "Beauty Shot" move for the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Tyler Breeze - 5/10

We re-cap on last weeks match between Brodus Clay & Adrian Neville, as we then see footage of Brodus Clayy attacking Adrian Neville backstage last week after NXT went off air, resulting in the loss of several teeth for Neville.

Corey Graves & NXT Tag Team Champions The Ascension vs Sami Zayn & WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos

Jimmy & Victor start things off for their respective teams. The match itself was a good main event match, Zayn & Jimmy took our Connor & Victor as Jey hit Graves with the big splash from the top rope for the win.

Winners via pinfall: The Usos & Sami Zayn - 7/10

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Welcome to this weeks edition of Main Event. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E vs Alberto Del Rio

A rematch from last weeks Smackdown as the Intercontinental Champion Big E locks up with Del Rio. The champ enjoys the early exchange and he again holds out for the win as he gets the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Big E - 6/10

After the match Bad News Barrett appears on his stage and delivers some bad news! He tells Big E that his reign as champion will soon be over and that he is boring, much like the crowd here tonight.

Hornswoggle (with 3MB) vs El Torito (with Los Matadores)

Another rematch from Fridays Smackdown as the "big" rivalry continues, this week however it's Hornswoggle who gets the win as he hits a frog splash for the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Hornswoggle - 5/10

Sheamus vs Titus O'Neil

An intriguing match between two very physical wrestlers, Sheamus looking to end a short run of defeats on tv, Titus looking to build some momentum. Titus began to take control in parts of the match, but eventually was caught with the Brogue Kick allowing Sheamus to get the win

Winner via pinfall: Sheamus - 6/10

Jimmy Uso (with Jey Uso) vs Ryback (with Curtis Axel)

Jimmy & Ryback go at it on behalf of their respective teams, as the feud continues between the two tag teams. Momentum swings both ways and despite some outside altercation, Ryback hits his Shellshocked move for the victory.

Winner via pinfall: Ryback - 6/10

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Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Tonight we are live from Baltimore. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

The show begins by re-capping last weeks events on Raw between the Shield and the reforming Evolution.

We then go live as the WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan is making his way to the ring to join Brie Bella who is already in the ring. The two embrace, as Stephanie McMahon then makes her way to the ring. Stephanie says she wants to congratulate Bryan & Brie and says she wanted to give Bryan a present and tells him that at Extreme Rules he will be defending his title against Kane. Kane's music hits, but Stephanie calls out on the mic to say now is not the right place, Bryan & Brie exit the ring but Kane appears through the crowd and begins to attack Bryan, delivering a tombstone to the ground & then another one on the steel steps. The paramedics try to help Bryan and put him on the stretcher but Kane comes back & attacks Bryan further, before eventually delivering another tombstone to him on the announce table. All the while whilst Stephanie is shouting at him to stop. The paramedics then begin to attend to Bryan again as we head to a break, after which we return to find the paramedics still attending to Bryan and escorting him out on the stretcher accompanied by Brie. Stephanie calls for a round of applause for Daniel Bryan as they leave the ringside area.

We then look at the brackets for the Intercontinental Title #1 contenders tournament and are reminded tonight we will see the semi-finals take place as Cesaro faces Rob Van Dam and Sheamus vs Bad News Barrett - a match which is up next.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semi Final

Bad News Barrett vs Sheamus

Sheamus begins the match on the offensive & shows how determined he is to win this match between the two british wrestlers. A very physical match continues as Sheamus comes close to victory, however Barrett hits Sheamus with the Bull Hammer and gets the victory to advance to the final!

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 7/10

What a superb match between two great performers, they never fail to have a bad match, I hope Barrett goes on to win this tournament and the title and we see a feud between Barrett & Sheamus. They could put on a great series of matches. I also really hope this tournament begins the re-emergence of the Intercontinental title as an important title and that genuine feuds are built around the title itself rather than the title just being used as an object to put someone over.

We return from the break to see another promo video for Bo Dallas.

We then look back to 2011 when Hugh Jackman appeared on Raw and got involved and helped Zack Ryder defeat Dolph Ziggler, we are then told that Jackman will be on Raw next week.

Michael Cole then reveals that the WWE Universe get to vote on John Cena's opponent tonight, his choices are: Luke Harper, Luke Harper & Erick Rowan or all 3 members of the Wyatt Family.

The Wyatt Family then appear on the stage. Bray begins by promising change & declares that tonight is a good night for change and says that the WWE universe have their chance to vote on their own free will and says the truth is that they will stand against John Cena, he declares that the WWE Universe doesn't love John Cena anymore. Bray says that at Extreme Rules he promises to take care of him inside the steel cage.

Los Matadores & El Torito vs Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre of 3MB & Hornswoggle (with Heath Slater)

El Torito & Hornswoggle start the match, before McIntyre is tagged in, before Diego & Fernando assit El Torito, allowing him to get the pinfall.

Winners via pinfall: Los Matadores & El Torito - 3/10

What a waste of a match, I'm happy with a little bit of fun with El Torito & Hornswoggle but both 3MB & Los Matadores deserve better than this & can have a decent match on their own and certainly need that if they are wanting to look like genuine contenders to the tag titles.

Backstage we see a limousine pull up as Evolution arrive.

We return from the break as Evolution make their way to the ring. Triple H begins by talking about the Shield thought they were the top dogs in the WWE, but they ended humiliated by Evolution. A video then airs to highlight the past of Evolution. Batista then tells us that the Shield have no idea what they have got theirselves into, at which point the Shields music hits and they make their way to the ring. Evolution retreat from the ring as the Shield enter. Dean Ambrose grabs the mic & tells Evolution that last week wasn't the first beating they have had and it won't be the last. Seth Rollins adds that they have every idea what they are getting into. Rollins then adds to put an abrupt end to Evolutions brief reunion. Roman Reigns then grabs the mic and issues Evolution an ultimatum, either resulting in a fight, as The Shield head towards Evolution, but a number of Superstars including Rybaxel, Alexander Rusev & Titus O'Neil come out in support of Evolution as the Shield stop in their tracks.

We then re-cap what happened at the beginning of Raw between Daniel Bryan & Kane.

Rybaxel join the commentary team for the next match.

WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos vs The Rhodes Brothers

A good match between the champs and the former champs, as Jimmy gets the pinfall over Cody Rhodes.

Winners via pinfall: The Usos - 5/10

After the match a little dissension goes on between Cody & Goldust as Cody storms off as Goldust chases after him, Rybaxel then jump the Usos & attack them in the ring.

Layla (with Fandango) vs Emma (with Santino Marella)

Emma gains the victory over Layla as she gets the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Emma - 3/10

I really rate Emma & Layla & their in-ring ability but I am bored of this feud between them with Santino etc. Fandango deserves better as does Layla & Emma. I've grown a little tired with Santino & his whole Cobra thing. I hope this feud comes to an end soon.

Backstage we join Renee Young who is with John Cena. Renee asks about the possibility of his matches tonight. Cena says that if the WWE Universe votes from him to face all 3 members of the Wyatt Family, then that is what he will have to face up to & that he should never be counted out.

Cesaro & Paul Heyman come out to the ring ahead of Cesaro's match with Rob Van Dam

Before the match starts Heyman talks about Cesaro being the next Intercontinental Champion & he reminds us that Brock Lesnar defeated the Undertakers streak at WrestleMania. Before RVD makes his way to the ring

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semi Final

Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) vs Rob Van Dam

Despite a rusty start between the two, the match comes to life, both have a couple of near falls and as Cesaro is about to go for a Cesaro swing, Jack Swagger & Zeb Colter enter the ringside area. Swagger distracts Cesaro, & pushes him into the steel ring post which eventually causes Cesaro to be counted out & allow RVD to advance to the final to face Bad News Barrett.

Winner via count out: Rob Van Dam - 6/10

After the match Cesaro & Swagger do battle in the ring briefly as Cesaro & Heyman are both annoyed at Cesaro being out of the tournament.

Backstage Renee Young is with RVD as she congratulates him on advancing to the final of the Intercontinental title #1 contender tournament, at which point Heyman & Cesaro appear, still angry at Cesaro's loss, however RVD advises Cesaro to steer clear of Heyman if he wants to go somewhere.

Aksana vs WWE Divas Champion Paige

Aksana offers good competition for the Champ but Paige is too strong in the end as she gets Aksana to tap out.

Winner via submission: Paige - 5/10

Michael Cole then reveals breaking news, Cesaro & Jack Swagger will go head to head on Smackdown on Friday.

Lana is then introduced and makes her way to the stage as she in turn introduces Alexander Rusev.

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) vs Sin Cara

Sin Cara offers Rusev perhaps his most toughest test yet but it's all to no avail as Rusev gets Sin Cara to tap out.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 5/10

John Cena makes his way to the ring for his impending match against one, some or all of the Wyatt Family, depending on how the WWE Universe have voted, we now find out the results and they have voted for John Cena to face: All 3 members of the Wyatt Family

John Cena vs The Wyatt Family

The Wyatt Family go to work on Cena, as they pretty much dominate the match, despite little flurries of momentum from Cena at various points. However, unsurprisingly Cena gains momentum and hits the Attitude Adjustment and goes for the pin but is stopped by Rowan & Harper, at which point the referee calls for the bell (how is that a DQ?)

Winner via DQ: John Cena - 6/10

After the match the Wyatt Family attack Cena again as Bray leads us through another rendition of the "Whole world in his hands" as Raw comes to a close.

Overall comments: A fairly decent edition of Raw. This weeks show was always going to somewhat of a comedown compared to the last few weeks, but it still had it's good points. The IC title playing prominence is good and I hope it remains that way. The build between Evolution & The Shield was just about right. Unsure how I feel about Daniel Bryan/Kane at the moment, think the match needs a very good gimmick, particularly being at Extreme Rules. The downsides tonight was the waste of a match with Los Matadores/3MB. If they want to make the focus on El Torito/Hornswoggle then do that, but don't use 2 potentially good tag teams to do that. Both deserve better. Also I have grown so tired of Santino & his whole Cobra think, it's a sock, that's all it is, a sock. Fandango deserves a better feud, Emma and Layla are great performers of the Divas division and they could both do better than be involved in what is basically a comic feud. The whole storyline is going nowhere and the match wasn't even worth putting on, if they want to fill a show with matches that's fine, just have someone like Titus O'Neil & Kofi Kingston have a match for example, that's far more enjoyable than what is for all intense and purpose, a comedy sketch, a comedy sketch that isn't funny mainly because we've all grown tired so seeing a sock become a finishing move. Anyway that's me nit-picking. I did enjoy Raw, it was decent enough as we build to Extreme Rules.

Overall Show Rating: 7/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Welcome to this weeks edition of Superstars. Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

The show opens with the video tribute to the Ultimate Warrior. Again never failing to pull at your heart strings.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E vs Titus O'Neil

Titus enjoyed a lot of the early exchange and looked impressive in doing so, however Big E managed to turn it around and hit the Big Ending for the 3-count

Winner via pinfall: Big E - 6/10

Los Matadores (with El Torito) vs Drew McIntyre & Jinder Mahal of 3MB (with Heath Slater)

Another enjoyable tag team match on Superstars this week, the attempted interference of Heath Slater to help Mahal backfired as El Torito saw to him, allowing Fernando to hit Mahal with a DDT for the win.

Winners via pinfall: Los Matadores - 6/10

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Biggest Match of the week... Or Smallest!

This week on Smackdown we saw the errrmm highly anticipated match between Hornswoggle & El Torito! As you'll know El Torito got the "big" win under his belt as Hornswoggle came up "short" Renee Young catches up with both El Torito & Hornswoggle on this weeks Smackdown Fallout!


Welcome to Smackdown! Live from Nashville, Tennessee.

Remember to click the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube channel!

WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E vs Alberto Del Rio

The champ looks to avenge a couple of recent losses to Del Rio. Big E gets caught in Del Rio's cross face submission move, however he reaches the rope, but Del Rio doesn't release it before the 5 count and the referee disqualified Del Rio.

Winner via DQ: Big E - 6/10

We return from the break to find Triple H making his way to the ring. Triple grabs the mic and begins by saying that one of his jobs as C.O.O. is to find new talent for the WWE. He says that some of the biggest talent has been the Shield. He states however that they have crossed the line in recent weeks and we then re-cap what happened on Raw this week. After the video Triple H then reminds us that all the Shield has to do was apologise, which they never did. Triple H then states that the Shield have now past their best and being useful & declares that at Extreme Rules the Shield will face Evolution.

We return from the break to find Paul Heyman in the ring, as he reminds us that he is the advocate of the King of Swing Cesaro & also the "1" behind the "1 in 21" Brock Lesnar who of course defeated the Undertakers streak, a fact which Heyman repeats multiple times on the mic, much to the annoyance of the crowd.

We now look back to Main Event and see the events between Los Matadores & 3MB & in particular between El Torito & Hornswoggle, as both El Torito & Hornswoggle go head to head tonight.

WWE Divas Champion Paige vs Aksana

Before the match starts Aksana has the mic and tells Paige that she got lucky by winning the title and tonight her luck runs out, before attacking Paige as the match officially starts. Aksana enjoys the early exchange but Paige turns it around and hooks her up in her signature submission move as Aksana taps out

Winner via submission: Aksana - 6/10

Backstage Renee Young is joined by Sheamus as she asks him about his match with Batista as we then look back at what happened between them 3 weeks ago. Sheamus says that what it's really about is whoever gets hit the hardest and keeps going is what matters & he promises to give Batista a proper fight tonight.

Backstage we see Hornswoggle & El Torito preparing for their match which is up next.

El Torito (with Los Matadores) vs Hornswoggle (with Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre of 3MB)

A little bit of a break from the norm for this match and it's El Torito that gets the win after hitting the moonsault.

Winner via pinfall: El Torito - 5/10

We then see a promo video for Alexander Rusev, who makes his Smackdown debut next.

After the break Bad News Barrett has appeared on his stage and also says he has some bad news. He mocks the crowd for applauding the match between El Torito & Hornswoggle and mocks them for having small brains.

Lana comes out and introduced Alexander Rusev.

R Truth (with Xavier Woods) vs Alexander Rusev (with Lana)

R Truth provides Rusev with his stiffest competition to date, but Rusev soon turns it around and hooks him in his Accolade submission move as R Truth taps out.

Winner via submission: Alexander Rusev - 5/10

We then re-cap the tribute to the Ultimate Warrior from Monday's Raw. Still a very emotional moment that can't help but bring a tear to my eye, again I just have to thank Warrior for all the wonderful memories and send all my best wishes to Warrior's wife Dana and their two daughters.

We are then shown this weeks Raw exclusive and see the match between Rybaxel & the Rhodes Brothers.

Fandango (with Layla) vs Santino Marella (with Emma

Both men hook up but the match is pretty short lived as Santino rolls up Fandango for the win

Winner via pinfall: Santino Marella - 4/10

The segment from Raw between Stephanie & Kane is then shown.

Sheamus vs Batista

What an awesome match. Worthy of being a main event on any show. Batista gets the win after hitting the Batista-Bomb to get the 3-count.

Winner via pinfall: Batista - 7/10

I have to say I enjoyed that match, great physical battle between the two. Batista is looking more like his old self now and deserves credit for that, as for Sheamus, he has produced superb matches for the last 4 months. Doesn't get the credit he deserves.

Overall comments: An enjoyable edition of Smackdown. I had caught a few glimpses on Twitter of people saying they had seen spoilers of Smackdown and that it was an awful show - those people couldn't be more wrong. Firstly why you'd want to look for spoilers is beyond me, just wait and watch the show - if you can't do that then you really don't enjoy any show. This was another solid edition of Smackdown with some well worked matches.

Overall Show Rating: 7/10

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Welcome to this weeks edition of NXT. Remember to click on the blue links to view match highlights courtesy of the WWE's YouTube Channel.

Colin Cassidy vs Aiden English

A good opening bout to this weeks NXT, English gained the victory after rolling Cassidy up whilst grabbing a handful if tights.

Winner via pinfall: Aiden English - 5/10

Backstage Devin Taylor is with Tyler Breeze. Devin asks Breeze if there was anything he wanted to say, however he didn't have anything to say other than he thought this episode needed someone gorgeous.

Camacho vs Oliver Grey

Oliver Grey makes his return to in-ring action, but Camacho pretty much dominates the proceedings, leading to him gaining the victory.

Winner via pinfall: Camacho - 5/10

Backstage Devin Taylor is with Bo Dallas. Devin talks about Dallas' attempt to occupy NXT last week which didn't exactly go to plan. Dallas responds that his Bo-Lievers are law-abiding and they didn't want to break the law. Dallas states he is determined to win back the NXT championship.

NXT Tag Team Champions The Ascension vs Wesley Blake & Cal Bishop

Another dominant performance from The Ascension as they easily dispose of Blake & Bishop as Connor gets the pinfall over Blake

Winners via pinfall: The Ascension - 5/10

Backstage Devin Taylor is with Sasha Banks & Charlotte. Devin asks Sasha about her recent run of loses. Charlotte says she isn't going to let the losing streak continue and next week Charlotte and Sasha will face Emma & her partner of her choice.

Next, CJ Parker makes his way to the ring and grabs the mic. He talks about how he can't sleep, wondering what life would be like without the NXT Universe and how he dreams of a clean world. At this point the Great Khali interupts and makes his way to the ring for a match with Parker.

CJ Parker vs The Great Khali

Khali begins as the aggressor before Parker turns things around, however Khali then catches Parker in the Punjabi plunge and gets the win.

Winner via pinfall: The Great Khali - 5/10

Jason Jordan & Tye Dillenger vs Baron Corbin & Sawyer Fulton

Good to see another tag team on NXT, Corin however enjoys the early exchange over Dillenger as he and Fulton make frequent tags, however the match changes when Jordan is tagged in, as he takes out both Corbin & Fulton, Jordan then tags Dillenger back in and he gets the pinfall over Fulton

Winners via pinfall: Jason Jordan & Tye Dillenger - 6/10

Brodus Clay vs NXT Champion Adrian Neville

Brodus Clay enjoyed the better of Neville during the match and began to dominate, however the match made it's way outside and Clay went for the elbow drop off the steel steps which he missed, Neville rolled back in and Clay was counted out.

Winner via count-out: Adrian Neville - 6/10

Brodus Clay attempts an elbow drop, which ultimately failed, leading to his count-out & Adrian Neville's win.

Remember you can follow me or send me comments on my Twitter or Facebook page.


Los Matadores (with El Torito) vs Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre of 3MB (with Hornswoggle)

Before the match began, Mahal introduced Hornswoggle as their mascot for the match, as the match kicked off their was clearly a bit of tension between Hornswoggle & El Torito, eventually El Toritio went for Hornswoggle and failed, as a fight between the two broke out in the ring leading to the ref calling for the bell.

No Contest - 5/10

Bad News Barrett vs Sin Cara

Not much of a contest, Barrett pretty much dominates Sin Cara on his way to a easy victory.

Winner via pinfall: Bad News Barrett - 4/10

Divas Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal

10 Divas started the battle royal as Tamina, Natalya, Nikki Bella, Aksana, Emma, Eva Marie, Cameron, Naomi, Layla & Alicia Fox all took part, the final two came down to Tamina and Natalya, as Natalya attempted to climb the top rope for an offensive move, she was caught by a super kick by Tamina and subsequently eliminated, this installing Tamina as the #1 contender to Paige's Divas Title.

Winner of the Battle Royal: Tamina - 5/10

Big Show vs Jack Swagger

A good decent main event bout and Swagger sensibly focused his efforts on the leg of the Big Show, a couple of close falls followed and it looked like he was going to get him to tap out in the ankle lock, but Big Show managed to reverse it, get to his feet and hit Swagger with the KO punch for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Big Show - 5/10


Intercontinental Tournament Hots Up!

On Raw this week we saw the beginning of a tournament to determine the #1 contender to Big E's Intercontinental Title!

In round 1 we saw Rob Van Dam defeat Alberto Del Rio & Cesaro defeat the Big Show to both advance as they will face off in the first Semi Final! Renee Young catches up with both men to get their thoughts on the up-coming Semi-Final.

Whilst the remaining round 1 matches saw Sheamus victorious over Jack Swagger, whilst Bad News Barrett got the win over Dolph Ziggler to set up a all British Semi Final match! Hear what both Sheamus & Barrett have to say as Renee Young catches up with both after their respective matches.